September 18, 2008

This will make you SMILE!!

What a fun evening we had tonight, Kira needed a babysitter for the kids so we watched all 3 of them while she went out with her sister-in-law. The kids were really good, Hatch had come across the duck horns that Great Grandma Thomas had tried to send home with him a few years ago, well when we cleaned out my mom's house I brought them up here and put them in the junk drawer, they've been out a few times before and we've always told him to put them up, they can get a little annoying after awhile. ( Why did I bring them home in the first place? I guess they still link me to mom) Well tonight was different, play the video for a good chuckle. Why is it that the smallest things in life can bring us so much pleasure? Enjoy our little video, made by Stuart, actors Hatch and Thanye Carter


  1. Now that DID make me smile. What a little entertainer Hatch is.

  2. How fun! Things like that make babysitting easy.

  3. That made me LOL! What a good big brother Hatch is to entertain him like that. And I can't believe Thayne can continue to laugh that much. He is such a happy baby.

  4. man. that brought a little sunshine to my weekend. that's awesome
