June 29, 2012
"Hot" Summer Sewing!
Greetings from St. George. We are spending a very hot weekend doing things we are both passionate about. Stuart is out spotting deer for his hunt this fall and I am doing some sewing. And first thing in the morning, before it gets way hot, we are going to a clay target shoot and ice cream social. Yes, it's very warm here, today's high temperature is supposed to get 104. Thank goodness for air conditioning!
I am working on a quilt out of Em's book "Geared for Guys". She has asked me to make Urban Decay for an upcoming blog tour of quilts made by different quilt bloggers. All the quilts will be different. We were asked to put our own flare on the quilt. I am using a variety of fabrics, but mostly Denise Schmidt's. There are a few changes I am making to the quilt. Watch for it later in July.
Well, here's to a very fun "hot" sewing weekend. I hope you can find a "cool" spot to do the same. Shannon
June 26, 2012
All Fancied Up!
I have to admit the shop did look pretty fancy and pretty darn cute! What a fun theme this was to decorate around. Many of the items came from my collection of things I use here at the house. We also borrowed and shopped for some too! Enjoy, I'll try to explain as you scroll through all the photos. The first section is Lucy's Chocolate Factory. For refreshments we served brownie bites, Vitameatavegamin labeled water and a Lucy's Predica-"mint"!

The next few pictures are of Lucy and Ricky's bedroom. The quilt hanging above the beds was made by Suzanne. It is a Lori Holt pattern called Grandma's Aprons.
Ricky needed his own quilt. The tie quilt is called "The Best Two Years" and was made by my good friend Terry of Thankfully Sew. A clever way to showcase a collection, don't you think?
And now moving to the kitchen. We borrowed the old fridge from the Wandering Wardrobe, a cute little consignment shop in Springville.
Another vintage quilt made by Suzanne, our applique queen. We centered our kitchen around the theme of this quilt. Look at all the fun and interesting vintage things showcased on it. It is also a Lori Hold design.

Did you know Lucy has taken up the hobby of sewing? Her new Kenmore should help with that. The yo yo mat was a purchase in a fun antiques store in Pantguitch while I was there for Quilt Walk. The ironing board was my mom's. It still had transfer markings on it from all the stitching patterns she had. What a great flashback.
Howdy! I'm little Ricky.

Lucy wore a lot of gloves and hats. These two were from a collection of hats of Stuarts grandma. The red hat box is an original from J C Penney and I use it for display in my front room.
This was probably one of the favorites for everyone. This episode of Lucy doing the commercial for the Vitameatavegamin is probably my favorite. I bought the RX bottles from Wal-Mart and filled them with red hot candies and then used our water bottle labels. I bet we could of sold a thousand of these.
Lucy's little bit of heaven. This is where she would get ready for the day. The dress is one that my mother made or refashioned when she was in high school. Anyway, I think that's the story if I remember right. We had some vintage jewelry, perfume, and her red, red, lipstick on the vanity as well.
And Lucy's bags are always packed just in case Ricky is ready to go somewhere. Don't you love the suitcases? We are go glad Ricky could bring her to the shop hop. We had so much fun those 4 days she was here. She did wear us out though!
On the road to Hollywood! The camera, movie reels and photo albums added some nostalgia to the upstairs. The camera belonged to Stuart's dad, which is housed at Kira's now. The photo albums are hers too. Just yesterday I found another picture that we missed when we were taking down.
The memories of Lucy are still fresh in my mind. Another shop hop down in the history books of quilting! And now to start planning for next year, yup we already know what the theme is. Can't let the cat out of the bag yet. Give us about 11 months!
Our version of Lucy's trip to Italy stomp-pin the grapes. The pictures in the frames that you see all around are from a calendar I found on clearance at K-Mart. They added some extra flair to the vignettes.
June 25, 2012
Lucy has left the building!
Wow, it's been a week and I am just getting around to posting about shop hop. Lucy had so much energy that week and she sucked it all out of us I guess! We really had a good time with her and Ricky, yes Ricky even came and spent a few minutes with all of us. Our shop hop quilt named "Lucy" a Scrappy Quilt was very well accepted. Isn't is beautiful, no Lucy didn't do this one.
This is Diana, the creator of the beautiful quilt. And yes there are pattern and kits available.
This is the Lucy's Chocolate Factory quilt that I was working on. Makes you want to go and eat chocolate truffles doesn't it? This would make a perfect Valentine's Day quilt. Yes, you can find this at the shop in kits too.
Lucy found herself working in the chocolate factory while she was there too. Lindsay and Ireland helping her out abit.
Oh Lucy, what did you do to Ricky's nice coat from Italy? He won't be to happy about this one!
Ba-Ba- loo I love you! Ricky (aka Stuart) really surprised us by stopping by on Wednesday afternoon.
Lucy just couldn't wait to show him what she had been working on! Did you know Lucy made a quilt while she was there. Her preferred method of applique, duct tape and staples. Oh, Lucy! Really. She used the Oddball pattern from Crazy Old Ladies new book Geared for Guys! And guess what, Lucy even put kits together for us before she left, it was that popular. But if I were you I wouldn't take her advice on applique!

She's here and ready to do book signings. Emily spent the morning and part of the afternoon with all of us crazy Lucy's.
Day 2 of shop hop started off with another appearance from Lucy and Ricky. Lucy had finished up "stomping the grapes".

Some of you may remember this bag from last years shop hop. It was the bag I designed using the charm packs they received when they finished. She bought the kit last year and entered it into the Salt County Fair and won first place with it. A Simply Charming Bag is the name of it. And yes patterns are still available. Contact me or the shop if you are interested.
Marcia with Abbey Lane Quilts stopped in on Friday. She had been participating at some of the other shops the days before. She always brings lots of energy with her. She brought me a copy of their new book Just For Fun and a new bag pattern called The "Julia" Bag. I can't wait to get started on them.
Another successful shop hop in our memories. We had lots of fun and I think the customers did as well. My next post will be pictures of the various vignettes we did around the shop. Everything was a big hit.
Will the real Lucy please step forward!
Emily stopped by again and visited.
The bosses, Lucy and Lucy (aka Mary Ann and Marsha) Aren't they awesome.
And Little Ricky was there too.
June 12, 2012
It's Time!
Lucy has her wad of money ready to spend at the shop hop this weekend. We are all anxiously a waiting her arrival. Gee, I hope she has enough for everything she wants to buy! You are joining us aren't you?
Oh yeah, don't forget one Crazy Old Lady (Emily) will be signing books in the shop on Thursday, June 14th from 10:00 - 2:00. Lucy can't wait to share her quilt, Oddball with you. She got the pattern right from Emily's book, Geared for Guys. Ricky's going to love his Father's Day present!!

June 1, 2012
Donuts Anyone!
To some this might be useless information but to some of us (like ME) who likes sweets it's not. A few facts about donuts. First, did you know that today is National Donut Day? Second, did you know that it began as a fundraiser for the Salvation Army in 1938? Third, it's held annually on the first Friday of June, in honor of the female volunteers of WWI who served doughnuts to soldiers behind the front lines. Another fact, sometimes doughnuts were cooked in oil inside the metal helmet belonging to an American soldier. One more fact, then I'll stop rumbling so you can run right out and get ya some! Doughnut cutters were fashioned from all kinds of materials, an evaporated milk can and a shaving tube, baking powder can tops and coffee percolator tubes, even a seven pound shell fitted with a one pound shell.
Look at all these scrumptious donuts they offer at Beyond Glazed in Sandy. I bet their shop will be buzzing today. I had the opportunity to stop in there with Terry and Emily one day when out shopping for market stuff. We couldn't pass it up, and besides that our sugar level was way low!
These little pretties made it home with me. All sorts of yummy in this box. There is strawberry lemonade, mint chocolate, pumpkin chocolate chip, coconut cream, key lime and a chocolate peanut butter.
And Emily's favorite maple bacon. I don't know about that combo, but she assures me it's heavenly.
And here are a few pictures of the doughnut bar we did for Jacob and Angie's wedding last July. It was fun to put together and the guest sure did like it.

So know that I have made you all hungry. It's breakfast time, and I can't think of anything better to serve you than doughnuts! Oh, here's a recipe for you, if you would rather make them yourselves. I'm sure that isn't on my list of things to day, I'll stop at the 'Spout for gas and get me one, or two!

Doughnut recipe
(approved by one of the original "Doughnut Girls"
5 cups flour
2 cups sugar
5 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs
1 3/4 cups milk
1 tsp. lard
The dough must be thoroughly kneaded, rolled smooth and cut into little rings a little less that a quarter of an inch thick. Drop the rings into a fat that is hot enough to brown the doughnut slowly. The fat should be hot enough to bubble when the doughnut is dropped in. Turn the doughnuts several times so that they will brown evenly. Then lift them out, holding them over the kettle a moment to let the extra fat drip off, Dust with powdered sugar while hot. Yield: 4 dozen doughnuts.
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