Kira and Kaitlyn, Thayne and McKinley drove up on Wednesday. We spent the morning cutting out our bags for our get away next weekend. 
September 30, 2010
Off to Camp KoHoLoWo!
Several months ago we were asked to be camp hosts at KoHoLoWo. We have done this in years past but this year would be different. There would be no girl's at camp! What? No girl's at Camp KoHoLoWo. We have always done it with the girl's of our stake. It is the off season right now but they still need hosts. We loaded the trailer and off we went. We spent the whole week in peace and quiet. I must say things are different when we don't have the company of all the stake leaders and the girl's. I missed them!
The drive up Payson Canyon was beautiful, the leaves on the trees were sporting their new fall colors.
My favorite time of the year is fall so it was really nice to be in the canyon all week and watch the changes in the leaves over that time.
Almost there!
The two little ones played on the picnic tables and loved all the wide open space they could run around in. We had the whole lodge to ourselves.
We went back to the trailer and fixed sandwich's for lunch before they headed back down. We had a great time, didn't we kids?
Most evenings we watched the deer in the meadow. I think these are the camp pets. They don't go very far from camp.
Stuart found time to sit and relax. He took his gun to get it sighted in for the upcoming deer hunt. I stayed in the trailer while he was shooting. Just a tad loud for me. He did offer me ear plugs though!
Friday evening we had a group of Relief Society sisters come up for the night. Some of them chose to stay the night. They all stayed in the lodge instead of using the dorms. Kira, John and the kids drove up with their trailer and stayed the weekend. Karas helped us make cupcakes for the birthday party.
On Saturday night we were celebrating two birthdays. Mine and Kira's.
Did you know they even have boy stuff at camp? Hatch and Thayne really liked the small tractor. They went with Grandpa and Dad(John) to clean out some of the ditches around the camp grounds.
The guys did a bit of service work in the lodge. They worked on a few odds and ends that needed some repairs.
Did you know Jacob has a hidden talent? He played the piano with Karas and Thayne. It was fun to have him join us on Saturday morning.
September 29, 2010
"PURE" & Simple!
As promised, here is the quilt I promised to show you as soon as I got it back from the quilter. Isn't it adorable? I am so happy with the end results of this quilt. It's made from the "Pure" line from Sweetwater for Moda. I have named it "PURE" & Simple Pinwheels. This little baby quilt is perfect for a little boy. In fact it belongs to Baby Mitchell that will be joining our family in December.
This is a fun new technique for making pinwheels. I used the mini Twister ruler and 2 charm packs. We have these in kits at the shop if you think you can't live without one. We do have the rulers in to. They have been on back order for quite some time now. We also have the big Twister ruler that you use on layer cakes. I need to post about my latest layer cake twister quilt. I am teaching this technique in a class on Oct. 30th. Come twist the day away with me!
September 18, 2010
Things that excite a quilter!
We got a new line of fabric in the shop on Thursday. As I was folding the fat quarters this is how one of them turned out. Never in a million years would this happen again if I tried.
I even had eye witness' that this really happened. Look how Boy is centered right dab in the middle. What are the chances? Things that excite a quilter! This deserves a raise don't you think? Or just call me the Fat Quarter Queen!
It's birthday time!
And excitement was in the mail today. I received a package all the way from the Netherlands.
It's a Date!
September 14, 2010
"8" is GREAT!
Am I really old enough to have a grandson that was just baptized? Over the Labor Day weekend we had the privledge to witness this fine young man's baptism. We are so proud of Hatch for making this decision. He is such a good boy, he is always looking out for Karas and Thayne. He is considerate and loving to others and is always willing to help people out. Especially both his grandpa's and his neighbors.
Congratulations Hatch for being baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Such a big decision when your eight. We couldn't be more proud to call you our grandson. We are so lucky to have you in our family. I thank my Heavenly Father for sending such a sweet spirit to your mother and dad. They have done a fine job teaching you right from wrong.
Hatch and his dad, John getting ready to enter the waters of baptism.
A couple of weeks before the big day, I got a phone call from Hatch. I wondered what he wanted, he rarely calls just out of the blue. He was calling to ask me to give the talk on baptism. What an honor, but it's been a very long time since I was in the Primary. Why would such a small task make me so nervous. Of course I said yes. I couldn't turn down this cute kid and heck you only get baptized once in your life. Right? So the talk went on without a hitch.
Afterwards we met at the Carter house for a nice luncheon. At Hatch's request we had brisket with all the trimmings. Everything tasted delish.
Kira had the bar all set up with a western flare. She had a picture of Hatch as a newborn and on the other side she had his present picture. My how he has grown.
Dosen't he look older in this picture. He almost looks like a missionary. The way time flies he will be doing that too.
Of course, Grandma Thomas' potatoe salad. I know it was the same salad but where was the yellow bowl she always makes it in. Kira can make a mean potatoe salad. I am so glad she spent the time with mom learning the secrets of making it.
Miss Angie made cupcakes for dessert (another blog post later). She really has gotten into the cupcake making business. They were totally awesome.
September 13, 2010
Nedra is "WONDER"-ful!
I have been a follower of for quite sometime now. The host of this blog is Nedra Sorenson from St. George and she is a wonderful person. She does the most amazing things. She happens to work at Quiltedworks, one of my stops I have to make while I am done there. Back in July she posted about the neatest thing that some of her sewing friends had gotten together to make. It's called the Wonder Box or a Cooler/Cooker Bag. I knew I wanted to make one of these amazing things right off the get go. She is going to be teaching it as a class in September but it was on a day I wouldn't be in the area. Rats!
I stopped in the shop the last time I was in the area and Nedra happened to be there. I was so glad to finally meet her. She was so pleasant and was so willing to get me a kit to make the Wonder Box on my own. Even after all of the hastle of getting things ready for my kit, I left the shop without my pattern. Nedra tracked me down to let me know or else I would still be waiting to make mine. She was so nice to take it home with her. I just had to pick it up at her home before I left St. George. Thank you, Nedra for taking such good care of me.
This is the wonder box that all the hype is about. It kind of reminds me of a miniture bean bag chair or a very plushy pillow!
It has a top and a bottom. This is a bag that can keep foods cold or hot for hours. Yes, they really work. The bags are feeled with polystryrean beads, the kind used for bean bag chairs. They are made from mid-weight fabric. This is Nedra's bag that's on display at Quiltedworks.
This is my cute Amy Butler fabric that Nedra helped me pick out and then we went to work measuring the beads for my bag. Kind of a messy job, but it was well worth it. The beads come in a huge, huge bag.
Sticky little things, they cling to everything, even your hands!
Nedra doing the measuring. It takes about 40, 4 cup scoops to feel both the top and bottom. Now that's alot of beads.
Here's my finished wonderbox. Isn't she a cutie? So simple to make, it only took about an hour and a half from start to finish. Now that's the kind of sewing I like to do.
This box will hold large bowls, lots of small bowls, gallons of milk, casserole dishes or just about anything you want to keep cold or hot. If you want to see more on this fun project you can visit this website, I think this is a must class at the Corn Wagon. Thanks to Nedra for sharing this unique fun project.
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