It's early, our bags are packed, were ready to go. Not ready, but we have to, darn it! We have enjoyed our visit here in the Netherlands 100%. Guaranteed we will be traveling back to this beautiful country.

Yvonne picked us up at the condo early Monday morning. The drive to Amsterdam was kind of solemn but the scenery was so pretty that early in the morning. I think we all knew what was to come.

The sun was just starting to come up for the day.

The sun reflecting off the snow covered fields and homes gave us a feeling of comfort.

Now the hustle and bustle of the airport and the long travel day ahead of us.

The moment had come for us to say our good byes, the tears are starting to come just typing about it. Why is this so hard to do? Maybe it's because of all the love and friendships we have in the Netherlands.

Didn't want the tears to show so I shut my eyes! Now I'm regretting it, look how cute this picture is of the both of us.

On our way to the states. Our plane ride today would be approximately 14 hours. Is there food involved?

Look we are going to be chasing the sun all the way home.

Look we have lunch! Not bad for airline food.

Our flight wasn't full so we would have all three seats to ourselves. Not to cozy but great for sleeping.

What beautiful skies we have for flying.

I had been saving one of my souvenirs I bought in Amsterdam for my flight home. I read and drooled over the lovely antique quilts by Prita Prins.

Well obviously I wasn't very excited about being in America because I didn't take any pictures of Washington DC and it was dark in Salt Lake. We came right home and went to sleep and tried to get over the jet lag for the next few days. Should I say it wasn't days, it was months! Two to be exact!
When should we start planning our return?