June 17, 2009
Sewing, Sewing, Sewing!
I feel like one of Santa's elves. I've been sewing some really fun things for the Shop Hop that is this weekend. 14 shops across the Wasatch front are participating. We are the shop farthest south and the last shop north is in Logan. It runs the rest of this week and into the weekend. The theme this year is All Around the Neighborhood and we are the toy shop. We have lots of fun things at the store for sale.
Look at this fun quilt. It's a hopscotch quilt if you can't tell. It was very simple to make and the grandkids are patiently waiting to play with it after the shop hop. I have these all ready in kits and ready to make. Pick one up at the store on your way through town. You even make the bean bags to toss at the numbers.
She's 21!
We had a special birthday celebration for Angie while she was here visiting over the weekend. She turned 21 on Monday so we helped her celebrate on Sunday evening. We all got together and had supper and cake and ice cream. We hope Angie had a fun weekend, we didn't do much because the weather was so crappy. We plan to see her in July over the Fiesta Days celebration, maybe we can get some really fun things in then. Hope your birthday was happy Angie.
June 12, 2009
Binding Together!
Tuesday night Myself and my Simply Sewing girls got together for a lesson on binding quilts. There were only 4 there that night, either the others didn't get their quilts quilted in time or they already know how to bind. We still had lots of laughs through the night. Don't let a small number like that scare the fun away!
This is Angela, she has been with me since the beginning of this whole adventure. She has not missed one of my classes yet, so I surprised her with a little basket of goodies for sticking with me for so long. In the basket were things like, pins, gum, sticky notes and a magnet. Thanks Angela for helping me get this class off the ground. Look how we have grown.
Shanna is another faithful class member, bless her heart she said she already knew how to bind but wanted to come to see if I had anything helpful that she could use. I hope I met up to her expectations.
My sister-in law Pam had made her quilt at our Simply Sewing Saturday so she came to get the lesson on binding. Her quilt turned out just adorable. Little Sam will love snuggling with this new blanket. Chelsey had her quilt already to come that night but is having some problems with early labor, the Dr. has put her on bed rest for a couple of weeks to see if this won't help. I stopped by and got her quilt to sew the binding on, she will be able to hand bind it in all her spare time. We wish you well Chelsey.
Angela just had to try out my machine, the walking foot really helps when your sewing with minkee. She didn't know if she wanted to attempt it with her machine. The others told her not to get to hooked on my machine. They told her she wouldn't want to go back to sewing on her machine. Let's see if we can sell her a Bernina too!
Erin and her trusty machine, it did a wonderful job on the minkie. She finished up her quilt with very few problems. Way to go Erin.
This is my little bundle of quilts I took to demonstrate on, now I have some of the unfinished quilts ready to pick up to take camping with me. You know me, I always have to have something in my hands to work on. What a great accomplishment for these ladies that have never made a quilt. I'm so proud of all of them. Have I mentioned lately I love this little job too!
June 11, 2009
What else would a girl want, but to maybe add a lot of fun with it! Over the weekend Kaitlyn, Kira, Myself, Karas and McKinley headed for St. George for a bit of fun. Of course there was shopping, sewing and snacking involved.
My shopping buddies, start while their young right? We stopped first and had lunch at yummy Cafe Rio and then we set off to Ben Franklin to check out the fabric selection. Did you know they have a clothing section, and some really cute stuff at that. They have you come through a different door now and it takes you right into the clothing.
Kaitlyn was on a mission to find the perfect black dress for a friend's wedding this weekend. She found it in Ben Franklin and it didn't cost her an arm and leg. Look how cute she looks in it. Mission accomplished on the first try. It was going to be a good weekend of shopping we could tell already!
We even got some sewing in. Kira and I took our machines and I told Kaitlyn she would be able to sew on mine to finish up the bag she was working on. She has a machine but yells at it every time she sits downs to sew(does that tell you anything). You can't enjoy sewing when your yelling and screaming at your machine all the time. She was totally surprised when I whipped out this brand new Bernina 230 for her to sew on. I think she will really love to sew now. Aren't they the prettiest things you've ever seen? That is if your attached to your Bernina, they are!
Kaitlyn had made the mystery bag I came up with and a lady she works with wanted her to make her one. This is it and she did a great job on it. It's amazing what a good machine can do.
Kira was making this cute quilt for Karas' bedroom. It's all done in Amy Butler prints. She finished it up the following evening. It turned out absolutely darling. Now she's onto the bed ruffle that includes jumbo ric rac, my fav.
Of course we found sugar cookies, this time at the mall in the Cornerstone Bakery. I always thought Mrs. Tobler's were good but I think these have her beat. I had forgot about this bakery, my Mom used to get these for us all the time when we would take her to the mall. I hadn't been to the mall for some time and remembered about them on our way.
Thick, soft and lots of icing. Just the way I like them. We should of bought more though!
Supper was at our all time favorite, Texas Roadhouse on Saturday night.A great way to end a fabulous weekend away with the girls. We missed Angie, she was busy with her brothers graduation but we look forward to getting together before she starts school in the fall.
Sleep Out!
Thursday night we had a special little guest stay the night. My kids did this all the time when they were little, so why not start Hatch on it. We called this a sleep out, not a sleep over. The kids would get the bed rolls out and watch a movie and sleep out in the family room. Uncle Jacob slept out with Hatch and they watched a movie. Let's see if you can get the movie right they were watching. Can you tell from just the pictures that are on the t.v. screen? It's a really cute and funny movie that involves a mischievious kid!
Jacob had found this hard hat when he was cleaning out his closet, so now it's Hatch's. Watch out for the foreman!
"I can't get out, I'm not even wrinkled yet". If you haven't guessed the movie yet it was Dennis the Mennace. Hatch loved it, he had never seen it before and he was laughing all the way through it. While Hatch and Jacob were watching the movie I couldn't help but think of all the fun things the kids used to do down here in front of this old television that keeps on working. One of these days we'll be up to speed with the new technology stuff, but for now this old baby works like a charm.
"I can't get out, I'm not even wrinkled yet". If you haven't guessed the movie yet it was Dennis the Mennace. Hatch loved it, he had never seen it before and he was laughing all the way through it. While Hatch and Jacob were watching the movie I couldn't help but think of all the fun things the kids used to do down here in front of this old television that keeps on working. One of these days we'll be up to speed with the new technology stuff, but for now this old baby works like a charm.
June 4, 2009
Traveling Anyone?
Are you thinking you need a new bag for traveling or something you can take to quilt classes and retreats? Here is the new display of our bags that we are offering for our Bag Ladies Club in June. These bags are so much fun and versatile. Come make one or all of them if your in the need for that many bags. There are two different sizes of the tote bag and two sizes of the iron bag. If you sign up for the class we will throw in a bonus pattern for the mini hot iron bag. This little bag holds the Clover Mini Iron or it would work great for your curling iron or flat iron. All the iron bags have Insul-brite sewn in so you can put your hot iron right in the bag so you don't have to wait for it to cool down.
Isn't this a great group of bags?
June 3, 2009
Wednesday's "SEW" and Tell!
I should be working on this!
But instead I'm working on this,
and this.
The first picture is of my "lovely" flower bed that needs weeding! But I'd rather be working on things in the sewing room. I'm working on this cute Hippo named Hilda for the upcoming Shop Hop at the Corn Wagon. I've actually been working on a couple of other items as well, I'll share those when they are finished and ready to go. The second item I'm working on today is another Vintage Baby Quilt. This is the sample I was demostrating on in my class a couple of weeks ago and I am just now getting around to actually sewing all the squares on. This little cutie is made from the Aviary collection for Moda. My goal is to finish both of these today. Hey, where is everybody. I know you ladies have been doing some sewing. I want to brag about my sewing friends. Send me some snapshots of the fun things you have been working on. (oohsaahsw@aol.com) I will post them on my blog for everyone to see. Let's see if we can make this "SEW" and Tell Wednesday work. It's fun to see the great ideas of other sewers and maybe a place where you can get some fresh new ideas and to get those creative juices flowing again. Happy Sewing, Shannon
June 1, 2009
Just Hanging Around!
Jacob has been suffering with his back where he broke it about 8 years ago. It's pinching a nerve and he's having a hard time walking, with numbness in his leg and foot. His dad invested in the newest and coolest gadget called a Teeter Hang Up. It hangs you upside down to take the weight off your back and is suppose to help with realigning it. Jacob set it up for us on Saturday night, so guess what? Your right! We all had to try it out, even the kids. Here we all are hanging out! And no these pictures are not upside down, we are!
The weakest link!(Jacob)
And this would be Kira just hanging down.
Karas just checking me out, just the right height for a big hug!
Look how red my face is, all my blood went right to it. I was laughing so hard Thayne thought I had totally lost my mind hanging upside down.
Now Hatch's turn, Uncle Jacob getting him ready for the big hang!

Someone tickle that cute little belly!
Look at me, look at me. Karas didn't know what to think at first, but after we got her upside down she just kept laughing and we had a hard time getting her out she liked it so much.
How about that for cheap entertainment. Feel free to stop by and hang out (or up) whichever you feel happy doing. Hope to see you soon!
Look Who's Coming To Dinner!
A little more often now, it's Uncle Jacob. We had a fun time Saturday night after the guys got Jacob's things unloaded into the garage. We called our night Jacob's official welcome home dinner. The kids were excited to have him home and wanted him to sit with them at the kiddy table. What a great sport Uncle Jacob is. We barbequed buffalo burgers with all the trimmings. The evening was spent visiting and playing with the kids. 
He's back to the nest!
A couple a weeks ago we got a phone call from Jacob saying he had been laid off from his job at Harris Publishing. What a bummer, he was liking his job so well and as a bragging mom would tell you he was doing them such a good job. So much for that though. We left on Friday for Idaho Falls to help bring all of his things home. Jacob took the horse trailer back with him on Tuesday so he could get started. He had things just about finished up with the help of Angie on Friday before we got there.
Some last minute play time with Lilly. This is Chad and Kasey's dog. They are the couple Jacob has been living with for 2 years, taking up their basement space.

Boy all this moving could wear a person out. This is the only thing I had to carry. Not to tough!
And this little box of belongings is what's left of Jacob's office. We asked him if they were nice enough to supply the box! Jacob's going to miss Idaho and all the friends he has made there. But as the saying goes, "When one door closes, another one opens". Jacob started a new job this morning in Sandy at Wide Open Performance. We wish him all the luck on his new job.
I had heard about a fabric store called Porter's so Angie and I venterured there after everything was done at the house. This store is actually a big craft store come to find out. The fabric department really not up to much I would have to say, but we did find some really fun stuff in the other areas of the store.

Where's Angie? Oh there she is! She blends right in with all these fun bright daisies. They had some neat things displayed to make. Angie is going to make one of these vases for her Grandparents 50th Anniversary in a couple of weeks, so she picked up things to do that.
These would make great wedding centerpieces also.
A girl's best friend, this bin was full of bracelet's. 2 for &5.00. A bargain, we both got really cute one's you know. Angies matched her outfit perfect.
That evening we all went to supper at Outback and then we ventured over to the Nature water
fountain. This fountain is ginormous, it sit's in a round about. In the winter they let the water run so it freezes over, and then in the spring and summer is flows just naturally. We stopped for a few pictures there.
You can see just how big this thing really is, we look like dwarfs in front of it. It has everything from an eagle and it's nest of babies, cougars, hawks, lions, tree trunks to twigs. Really something to see I think.

Saturday morning we headed back to Jacob's to load up his bed and elk skull and that was the last of it and we were on our way to Pocatello to say good bye to Angie. I wanted to stop there at a quilt shop called, how fitting is this. It's called the Quilt Shop. Hum wouldn't have to make that stop again anytime soon. Way off the beaten path and they didn't sell that much fabric, just alot of flannel. So off to Bed, Bath and Beyond to say our goodbyes.

After being on the road awhile and close to lunch time, we stopped in Brigham City and ate at one of the best places in Utah. The Maddox. This is a must when you are in that neighborhood. They serve up all of their own home grown beef. YUMMY! I remember stopping and eating here with my parents when I was a little tike. So it's been around for a long, long time and I bet you they will be for several more years.

The homemade rolls and corn bread are heavenly and oh yah the raspberry butter isn't that shabby either!
And as for long as I can remember they have been putting vases of fresh baby carnations on every table. Such a nice touch to your dining experience at the Maddox. We couldn't come home without bringing some of their famous chicken fried steaks and buffalo burgers, did you know you could do that? They are frozen and ready to go.
I had heard about a fabric store called Porter's so Angie and I venterured there after everything was done at the house. This store is actually a big craft store come to find out. The fabric department really not up to much I would have to say, but we did find some really fun stuff in the other areas of the store.
That evening we all went to supper at Outback and then we ventured over to the Nature water
fountain. This fountain is ginormous, it sit's in a round about. In the winter they let the water run so it freezes over, and then in the spring and summer is flows just naturally. We stopped for a few pictures there.
Saturday morning we headed back to Jacob's to load up his bed and elk skull and that was the last of it and we were on our way to Pocatello to say good bye to Angie. I wanted to stop there at a quilt shop called, how fitting is this. It's called the Quilt Shop. Hum wouldn't have to make that stop again anytime soon. Way off the beaten path and they didn't sell that much fabric, just alot of flannel. So off to Bed, Bath and Beyond to say our goodbyes.
After being on the road awhile and close to lunch time, we stopped in Brigham City and ate at one of the best places in Utah. The Maddox. This is a must when you are in that neighborhood. They serve up all of their own home grown beef. YUMMY! I remember stopping and eating here with my parents when I was a little tike. So it's been around for a long, long time and I bet you they will be for several more years.
Anyway it was a fast trip but a fun one. Now once again the garage is full of Jacob's belongings. What a beautiful sight. It might be there for awhile and then again it might not. But it's always nice to have him here. Welcome back to the nest, Jacob.
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