A couple of weekends ago my sisters and I, plus Karissa a niece went to sunny and a very hot St. George. Take a look at the tempature on the thermometer. Yup, that's how hot it really was while we were there. You can call us crazy but we didn't let a little heat stop us from having fun.

This is the thermometer on the back patio of the house. I couldn't resist the photo, it says it's almost 110 outside and this is in the shade!

I started the weekend off by giving my sisters a fun gift for their belated and early birthday gifts. Tamara and Jan's birthdays are in April and Collette's is in August. I had been anxiously awaiting this day to give them their presents.

These are the necklace's I had made for them. Aren't they sweet. On one side they have their initial backed with scrapbooking paper that looks like cross stitching, something my mother used to love to do. And on the other side is a picture of my mom and dad when they were dating. The year I believe is 1947. Notice how cute the picture is, my dad was always a little silly!

The beaded dangle hanging from the bottom loop is made from a necklace my mom had that broke several years ago. I have had it for quite sometime just waiting for the right thing to have made from it. This was the perfect thing, all of us could have something to remember her by. I still have beads leftover to make earrings for all of us too.

It's really hard to see it, but Mom is wearing this necklace in this family photo taken in 1963. The beads have been stored away in this little clutch purse for a long, long time. Needless to say, my sisters loved the gift, we were off to a great weekend of fun and laughter. Mom loved to laugh with us.

We went to Iggy's for dinner and right off the get go we started laughing. Jan's sandwich came and it had this much dressing on the bun. Not really, all the dressing was on the underneath, how strange is that?

Then off to the grocery store for a few items for breakfast. Well we didn't make it out of the store without buying snack food too. Jan's ice cream was melting so fast she couldn't even wait to get home to eat it. I'm just glad it didn't get on Collette's beautiful new car! We watched movies and munched the rest of the evening.

While we were there we went to see Footloose at the Tuachan. We knew it was going to be really hot so we sent Tamara and Collette out shopping for mister fans. They found some at Bed Bath and Beyond that would do the trick. Here they are getting them ready for the show. We renamed them the "Sister Misters"!

The royal treatment, our backstage tour of the theater.

Me and Karissa being silly. We always say Karissa is going to be taking care of her silly aunts when they get old and feeble. She is so fun to have around. What would we do without her, she keeps us laughing all the time.

The pretty red rock scenery of the Tuachan theater. The show was terriffic, and the cast did such a great job. I've been here many times and I think Footloose has been my favorite so far. I highly recommend it if you can stand a little heat.

Getting ready to say our goodbyes, nobody wants this weekend to end. So off to the Dollar Store and In and Out while the towels are drying. This is Jan, Tamara, Collette and Myself.

Where's my food??

We have a first timer here. So what did you think of it Jan? Are you ready to go back? I am but not until it gets a little cooler ok!
My brother Lane and his wife Annette were going to be using the house following us so we thought it would be fun to do some sprucing up around the place!! (This is where the Dollar Store comes in)

Lane will be so proud of me, I finally did some yard work around the house with all sorts of plastic flowers!! I'm sure he loved them, not!

We even put new bathroom accessories in the master bathroom. I bet they just loved having Barbie around!

New stuffed animals on the bed. Lane is a big time golfer, so that is in honor of him!

And finally a new welcome sign on the back door. It's the first thing you see when you pull in the garage. I hope they liked everything we did to the place. I hope he realizes it was just a joke. I'm sure he thinks we are pretty dumb for wasting money on this kind of stuff, but oh well we sure had some fun laughs in the Dollar Store!
Thanks to my sisters for a wonderful weekend. Let's not wait so long to do it again. It's always fun when were all together. I love you all so very much.