December 16, 2009
Even Better News!!
And more exciting news! Look at the Moda Bakeshop today instead of tomorrow. They sent me another e-mail just a bit ago saying they were putting it on today. Not only did they feature my September display but they must have read my mind because they are showing my December's display as well. Isn't life grand! We might have to celebrate with a contest, I'll be thinking of one the rest of the day. Happy Sewing, Shannon
Fantabulous News Everyone!!
Oh my heck, I opened up my e-mails this morning and got a lovely surprise from United Notions. I'm so excited that I'm shaking in my boots! Not really, I'm sitting here in my pj's thinking I might just start crying any minute that's how exciting this is. My Moda Bakeshop display entry from back in September was chosen to be featured on Moda Bakeshop, yup you heard it right, Corn Wagon is going to be featured there tomorrow. Go here to check it out or click on the icon on my side bar. Wow is that awesome news or what and it comes with a nice little cash bonus. Yahoo!! This may seem little to you but it is a huge success step for me. My hard work and talents are starting to pay off. Have I mentioned lately that I love my job!! Here is a picture to refresh your memory of my display.
Now let's see if we can't get United Notions to notice my December's display!
Now let's see if we can't get United Notions to notice my December's display!
December 8, 2009
Simply Sewing Christmas!
Oh my gosh I just about forgot to post the projects we are doing this month for Simply Sewing 101. To many coals in the fire I guess, does anyones else have this problem this time of year. But here they are just a little late. We will be making these fun and simple gifts. All of these would make great gifts for neighbors, teachers, co-worker or anyone else on your list. Take a look and see if you want to join us on Saturday morning, December 12th at 9:00. We will be having brunch to go along with our sewing. Call me or e-mail if you want all the details to make any of these projects. My e-mail address is
This is a fun hot pad using 5 10" squares. I've opened it up just a little bit and put some cute holiday cookie cutters inside then I attached a tag that says "Sending you Holiday wishes to "HOT" to handle!
The next gift idea are these cute dish towels. This is probably by far the easiest thing on the earth to make, and I'm serious. I cut 2" strips the width of my towel and add a 1/2" on each end for tucking under, then I sew the ric rac over the raw edge. Now really how easy is that? The tag on this one says " Sending "CLEAN" and "SPARKLING" Christmas wishes your way! Merry Christmas.
These are little gift bags. A little more work, but very, very cute. The small bag is just the right size for lotions, a small notebook and pen. The larger gift bag is great for childrens books, treats, etc. You could add a tag that says "FILLED" with Christmas love.
Well did you see anything you like? If "SEW", come join us on Saturday morning. The more the merrier this holiday season. Looking forward to seeing you.
November 20, 2009
A Merry Moda Christmas!
If you saw the post earlier in the week of the pile of projects I have been working on. Well the wait is over and the surprise is here at Corn Wagon Quilt Shop in the Moda Bakeshop. I've been changing things around just in time for the big holiday rush next Friday. I'm so excited to share some of the new things I've created from this wonderful line, Rouenneries by French General. I fell in love with this line when the Moda Rep showed it to us. I knew I needed the quilt kit right then, mine was on order that day. It just match's my living room, so it has a nice place to live after the holidays. Lucky me! I had so much fun creating and decorating this little area of the shop. I guess you could call it mine. Look for my upcoming displays throughout the new year of all the new Moda lines. We are still trying to get the Moda Bakeshop Club off the ground, it will be held the third Saturday of the month. More details later, but for now take a look at the bakeshop display. (Picture overload, but I didn't want you to miss any of the details)!
Here's what you see when you walk through the doors of the shop. Merry Christmas!
And the stockings were hung on the shelf with care! The quilt is one of my favorites I've made all year. Can't wait to display it at home now.
The tablerunner, hot pad and oven mitt (pictured below) are the projects for the Moda Bakeshop Club for December. Everything is made from one charm pack and a little bit of yardage. These would make great Christmas gifts. We have kits ready for these, come sign up and make someone "SEW" happy this holiday! 
Piece of cake anyone? Hands off, just for decorating purposes only! I used things around the shop to "BAKE" it.
I found rolls of twill tape in 3 different sizes for the layer effect, a skein of embroidery floss for the leaves and a ball of perle cotton for the rosebud. Pretty clever and cute if I do say so myself! What do you think?
I put all the kits in bakery boxes for the extra cutness, you know me and cute! Everything has to be just right.
These are the same stockings I did with my Simply Sewing ladies. They take on a whole new look in this style of fabrics and trims. I have made this into a pattern and I put them together today. They will be for sale at the shop starting Monday. This is a great stocking pattern and very easy too.

A shot of the bolts all lined up, I can't believe how fast this line is selling. Good news though, Moda is running it again and they will be shipping out again in December. Hooray!
I collect Santa's and it's been several years since I've made one. But this pattern came in and I might just have to start again. Something different for a change rather than a quilt, apron or bag. Yup, I think I'm ready to break out Kira's Santa that I started for her oh should we say about 6 years ago! You don't have unfinished projects that old do you?
Isn't this a cute Christmas shopping bag. I want to take it shopping, but I can't it's on display. Maybe I can sneak it out of the shop for a day or two! They won't even know it's missing! Ha, ha!The pom pom fringe just adds to it doesn't it? The Santa pin was a Christmas gift from a friend last year, but it would also look very cute with a large button.
I found rolls of twill tape in 3 different sizes for the layer effect, a skein of embroidery floss for the leaves and a ball of perle cotton for the rosebud. Pretty clever and cute if I do say so myself! What do you think?
November 18, 2009
Let's talk!
I wish I had lot's of time to share all of our family pictures with you, but I had to show off this cute one of the grandkids. It's pricless. Karas not so happy, Hatch is ready, but check out Thayne and McKinley they just want to talk about more important stuff than posing for pictures! Needless to say, this one brought a chuckle or two and a smile to my face.
Karas, Thayne, Hatch and McKinley
(See a few more samples of different pictures on my side bar)
(See a few more samples of different pictures on my side bar)
Can you spell BUSY!
Simply Adorable Stockings!
You "SEW" girl's! These ladies are so awesome. They all did such a great job on their Christmas stockings at Simply Sewing last Tuesday night. This is the first time we have had it here at my house. I think we're going to like it! Way to much fun going on, but they all finished one stocking, now they just have to finish the rest at home. Homework girl's, have you got them done? I know Dondy does 'cause I saw them on her blog. Here are a few snap shots of the ladies and their stockings. Can I just say there are some spoiled dogs out there, two of them couldn't go without making a stocking for their beloved dogs.
Shanna showing off Spanky's. Why the dogs first I wonder! 
Christine, sporting a new machine and showing off her cute stocking.

Dondy and her cute dogs stocking, can you say SPOILED?
Caralisa, what a smile for such a great accomplishment.
Dondy and her cute dogs stocking, can you say SPOILED?
Caralisa, what a smile for such a great accomplishment.
Watch for our December projects coming up shortly. We will be doing simple easy gift giving projects. Our class is going to be Saturday morning December 12th so circle it on your calendars. We are even going to serve a yummy Christmas Brunch. Come join us, lots of festive fun for sure.
November 9, 2009
Vintage Circles Quilt
I'm headed to a quilt class! A little bit of a travel but my car knows the way. It's been that route several times. I will be heading to St. George on Thursday to take the Vintage Circles Quilt class at Mormon Handicraft. I want to teach this class at the shop this winter and I want to know all the secrets, so I'm on my way. I will be there Thursday afternoon and evening and then I'm going to spend the night at my sister Collette's house that night and back home Friday morning. I know I'm crazy, but you know us quilters!
Isn't she a cutie, I can't wait to make my own. I'm making mine out of Happy Campers by Sandra Klop from American Jane for Moda. It will be a cute vintage baby quilt. Can't wait to show off the finished results. Then you can sign up for it at the Corn Wagon come January. Got to run and start cutting my triangles!
December Bag Classes
Because our regular Bag Ladies Class falls on Thanksgiving we are moving our class back one week, which puts it on December 3rd. We have come up with something really fun and simple to make for all those girly girls on your Chirstmas list this year or come make it for yourself. This is a wallet pattern I've had in my files for over 26 years. We have revised it and have made it cuter than it was back then and we've put together a checkbook cover to match. We are calling this cute combo the "Wonderful" Wallet and "Cheery" Checkbook Cover. Stop in and see it for yourself. The supply list is there waiting for you.
And back by popular demand, the Black Forest Bag. This is the 3rd class we have taught on this bag. This class will be a morning class on December 9th @ 10:00. We already have 9 signed up so don't wait if you want to sign up, spaces are going fast. I don't know what it is about this bag but everyone just loves it. I think I could make this bag in my sleep I've taught it so many times.
And speaking of teaching this bag again, I'm doing so at Dave's Bernina on Friday night November 13th @ 5:30 if you can't make the class at the Corn Wagon. Call Dave's Bernina if you are interested. This is their Ladies Night Out, and you know it's going to be fun 'cause there's food involved! Come see me there!
And speaking of teaching this bag again, I'm doing so at Dave's Bernina on Friday night November 13th @ 5:30 if you can't make the class at the Corn Wagon. Call Dave's Bernina if you are interested. This is their Ladies Night Out, and you know it's going to be fun 'cause there's food involved! Come see me there!
Quilt class!
Thursday night I taught the Disappearing 9-patch quilt at the shop. This is such a fun and fast quilt to do and it looks like you have put alot of work into it. I have made several of these already. The last one I made I did in a weekend, I made it from a layer cake and used corduroy for the accent color. I used four blocks to make up this throw.
This is the quilt I taught at the class, it could be used as a table topper or a small throw. I had the kits already made up if they wanted to purchase one. I used the Simple Abundance line from Bonnie and Camille for Moda. Let me know if you are interested in these simple and easy directions for making any of these quilts.
All the pretty new Bernina's all in a row. We have six nice machines for use at the shop. You just have to call and reserve one before class. I had six ladies that night that needed them. I had a total of 10 that night. A full house, just what we like.
I prepared a yummy pumpkin dessert for the refreshment that night. The recipe is at the bottom of this post if you are interested.
Here are some of my students cleaning up, of course I got to busy during class to get pictures of evryone in action. I think everyone was pleased with the outcome of their quilt progress. Now I just hope they took them home and finished them. We have lots of fun at these classes, try and join us sometime. We'd love to have you. Our new schedule will have some fun new things on it, you won't want to miss it.
Pumpkin Squares (Recipe from my cousin Bradley Creer)
1 C. flour, 1/2 C. quick oats, 1/2 C. brown sugar, 1/2 C. (1 cube) butter, softened
Mix well and press in 9x13 pan. Bake 15 min. @ 350.
1 15 oz. can pumkin, 1 can evaporated milk (small), 2 eggs, 3/4 C. sugar, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp.ginger, 1/4 tsp. cloves
Mix well with mixer, pour over crust. Bake 25 min. @ 350. Chill. Serve with whipped topping or vanilla ice cream.
Halloween Festivities!
Just a tad late posting Halloween festivities. We started our afternoon off with the traditional sloppy joe dinner with all the trimmings, and then the kids decorated sugar cookies. This is something my girl's like to do. They are always telling me they just can't make them like I do. So I make them and they decorate them and take them home. The kids had lots of fun getting all sticky and gooey!

The kids always look so cute all dressed up. Thayne was Thayner Man, because that's what we all call him. Hatch was the cutest rodeo clown I've ever seen. And Karas was a cute little dancer. And Little Miss M was a not so scarry cute pink monster, which she loved. She didn't want her costume off at anytime. Halloween was always one of my favorite holidays, I always made sure the kids had a new costume every year. Now it's fun letting them go through the costume box trying to come up with something that might work. Check out Hatch's converse tennis shoes, we decided that these were a hand me down from cousin Chelsey. Thanks for contributing to our costume box Chels!
Sneak Peak!
About three weeks ago we finally got it together to have family pictures done. Here is just a sneak peek of a collage Tiffany put together for us. She took over 350 pictures that day. I will share more with you later. She has more posted on her blog of the kids, pay it a visit and check out her work and my cute kids!!

October 30, 2009
Oh my gosh, look at the surprise I got at the shop on Thursday. It's a scarry monster, only she's not so scarry. She's an adorable pink monster. Isn't that the cutest thing ever, or am I just the Grandma with bragging rights! I love seeing the kids dressed up in their costumes, we had had a few in the shop that morning after their school parties but this little one had them beat!
Thanks Kaitlyn and Monster McKinley for stopping in and showing off your "TRICKS" and picking out your "TREAT" you sure do know how to make a Grandma's day! Can't wait to see Hatch, Karas, and Thayne all dressed up on Saturday now.
The stockings were hung...
For my Simply Sewing 101 group we are making these cute and simple stockings. Santa's sure to leave something special in them if they hung by the chimney with care. We will be meeting Tues. November 10th, 7:00 p.m. For all my girl's we are changing the location to my house, I think by making this change we won't have all the hustle and bustle at the church, just a quiet(yah right!)relaxing time with no one to intrupt our sewing time. Remember to get your supply list and cutting instructions before class. I can't wait to see all of you. It's going to be "SEW" fun. We need to see some new faces, "sew" feel free to join us. You can e-mail me, anytime if you are interested.
New quilts!
This is a quilt I've been working on for a little while. I don't know why I've been so long working on it, it wasn't a hard one to do. It's a new pattern called Cherry O's from Crazy Old Ladies. Thanks Emily for letting me be the first to try it out. But here's the bad thing, after I got all the rows sewed together it seemed a little offish to me, it's then I realized I had made a huge mistake. Huge, huge mistake. Every other row was to have a half circle block at the end of the row. Oh well, I wasn't going to unpick all of it or should I. I stewed about it all night, took it to work the next morning to get everyone's input. "Leave it, it looks fine the way it is," they all said. So all of my Cheery O's are lined up instead of scattered. Sorry I messed it up Emily. It's ok isn't it? So now there's 2 options how to put it together! I think that's the worst mistake I've ever made on a quilt. And I'm the one always telling everyone to read YOUR directions! Stupid me. Without further adew here she is:
Cherry O's
She's made with several different prints from the shop and the best thing is, we have these all kitted and ready to go if you want one just like her minus my mistake!
A new fall quilt made from Gobble, Gobble from Sandy Gervais. Triple Treat Petite is the pattern I used from the Happy Hour book from Atkinson's Designs. Ramona quilted an all over leave design in varigated thread. She probably won't get used this fall because she's on display at the shop until all the kits are gone, but I will look forward to cuddling up with her next year.
Girl's Day Out!
While Angie was here for the weekend I got us all tickets to the Witchapalooza Saturday Matinee show at Gardner's Village. We had such a good time even if we weren't dressed as witches. Oh it's good to laugh. Laughter is such good medicine! I think we all needed that day out.
Sir Warlock was reminincsing about some of his past witches, but he stopped a minute to hit on Angie!

I've got you babe, I thought we were going to fall off our chairs this was so funny! They did an awsome job on all the characters and the costumes were great too.
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