And these are not the only ones. I have many more hiding in closets and sitting on my sewing room floor but I thought I would share a little sewing love with you today. So here are four recent projects. And don't worry I will get all the others done sometime. You all know the saying, "There's always tomorrow!" Right. So here we go. This first quilt is for a shop sample so it had to be done right away. I finished up yesterday and it's going to work with today so Mona can get it quilted. It's called
Around the Block from Sweet Janes Quilting and Design. The fabric is the newest line out from MoMo called Just Wing It. Isn't is so cute and punky, just like every line of fabric they have.

I guess for sewing on Sunday I just didn't have the rythmn. Things just didn't go well that day. I had problems with the border and had to unpick two full sides. Argh! Then when I got done sewing these rows together I noticed this. Two blocks together that are the same. Can't have that now can we. For some reason this little mistake bothers me, does it you? So more unpicking. I gave up and went back to it yesterday.

This next quilt I am going to teach as a class at the
shop. It's a fun raw edge applique that Tricia Cribbs calls Slappique. This pattern is in her new book Turning Twenty Slappique. The fabric line I am using is Elizabeth's Letters by Jill Finley of Jillily Studio for Henry Glass. Jill is a local gal here in Utah County. I keep telling you we have some incredible designers in this state. And I can't wait to share another one with you in just a few short days. But if you want to see it before check out
Emily's blog. But anyway you can see this quilt at the shop during our openhouse the first week of May. Come sign up for the very simple, cute quilt.

Ok you guys see these two crates of homespuns. I have had these hidden for quite some time and I bet some of them are about 20 years old. I got them out and started going through them. And I am making a Twister quilt to go on a bed downstairs. I didn't want anything to fancy for that room so this is going to be perfect. I am loving the way this quilt is turning out. I can't wait to show you the finished product. My goal is to have it completed by the time I have to go to
Panguitch in June so I can show it off at my Twisting class.

Here's a peek at the quilt. It's all cut and put back together, which is the funnest part of this quilt. I have one side border put on which is the charcoal strip.

And the last quilt for today is a Nellie's Needle pattern called 4-Patch Fun. A this one talented gal just happens to be from Utah too. This quilt is made from charm squares. I am using my 75% off fabric I picked up at Deseret Book in St. George about 3 years ago. It's the woven's from the 3 Sisters fabric line Peace on Earth. It doesn't even look like Christmas does it? The colors are beautiful, sorry the camera didn't do such a good job.

Now here's my delima. Should I use plaid fabrics for my inside and outside borders or should I use what I have pictured below? This look gives it more of a western flare. Help me, tell me what you think. Plaids vs. prints.

Thanks for letting me share a few of my favorite things with you today. Happy sewing everyone. I'm meeting some of my sisters for lunch today, yahoo. We haven't been together for quite sometime.