May 29, 2011
April Showers, Bring More Showers!
Bridal that is! Me and the girl's (Kira & Kaitlyn) hosted a bridal shower for Angie last weekend. We chose a good old fashion picnic for the theme and used her wedding colors to decorate, which are red and aqua. With all the crappy weather we have been enduring lately we actually had a beautiful day for a picnic. Angie got to meet family and friends from our side of the family. Look at all the fun and exciting gifts she got. By the time showers are all over with they won't need a wedding!!
Here are a few pictures of the decorations and food. The menu consisted of chicken salad sandwich's on Hickory Kist bread and wrapped in red checked tissue paper. The side dishes were potatoe salad, baked beans, veggie skewer, chips and mini cupcakes for dessert.
For drinks we served lemon water and bottled root beer. Even the ants came to the picnic!
A little bling to the fresh flower arrangements.
Our utensils were wrapped in red checked napkins then placed in a Kerr canning jar along with the straws. I then placed them in an old canning rack and added an old thermos full of flowers in the center. I even broke out my antique picnic basket for the occasion which I had to empty fabric before we could use it. Now, that doesn't surprise you does it?
There's that famous potatoe salad my mom always made and even in that same bowl. Kira was taught by mom how to make it and she has mastered it well. It was delish!
The drinks and cupcakes.
The gift table, with a picnic quilt to cover borrowed from the Corn Wagon.
How cute are these? Very yummy too!
Treat yourself to some candy on the way out. Buttermints, Sixlets and watermelon slices.
The White house girls. Kira, Myself, Angie and Kaitlyn.
Angie and her mom, Becky. She drove from American Falls, Idaho to join us. I'm so glad see could make it.
Becky has been very busy getting this gift ready for Angie. She gave her a scrapbook full of CD's and pictures with all her childhood activities. What a treasure. Hum, I wonder if I could hire her to do Jacob's now!
Grandma and Karas.
On each invitation we assigned the different first that Angie and Jacob will have together. How fitting that I got first picnic. I think that one was probably rigged! So for my gift I put together things they can use on a first picnic. She had to unload everything before she got to the good stuff in the bottom. What else, a quilt! (Opps, just deleted the picture and I can't get it to load back in the order. I'll show you that in a seperate picture I guess. Uhh, that makes me mad!)
This is my sister Tamara and her daughter Karissa.
Angie and Karas opening gifts. Karas was a big help that day.
DeAnne Ainge and her daughter Haley Hughes. Some good, good friends of ours.
This is my Aunt Dale and her daughters Susan and Lori. We are so lucky to have such wonderful family support. Dale is my dad's sister.
My sister Jan and grand daughter, Phara.
Jennie (Taylor) Wright, a good friend and ex-employee of the Oil Spout.
This is my cousin Lana, Kaitlyn and Teegan.
May 28, 2011
Happy Memorial Day
What a great weekend to post about this quilt. The Flag of Valor quilt, fabric and pattern by Minick and Simpson, for Moda. Isn't it beautiful It's a perfect quilt for remembering our brave men and women serving our country. And what a great way to show our patriotism. I want to hang this one outside. Don't want to go to all the fuss gathering your fabrics, well then come see us at the Corn Wagon. We can hook you up with a kit. We even have the flag bunting for sale. Don't wait too long, cause they are going fast. E-mail me or the shop and let's get one shipped out to you.
Maybe I should of gotten started on it before this weekend. I'll shoot for the 4th of July so I can hang it outside on the porch. But I didn't say it would be this year or next. Your just going to have to wait and see.
I'm off to the sewing room, should I clean, cut or sew? The last sounds the funnest but if I want to sew on this quilt I'll have to cut. Hum, what's a girl to do? Whether you are traveling, camping, picnicing, horse riding, etc. Make sure you have a happy and safe holiday weekend.
Visit to see some of the different Quilts of Valor put out by other fabric companies or a way you can get involved in such a great program.
I'm off to the sewing room, should I clean, cut or sew? The last sounds the funnest but if I want to sew on this quilt I'll have to cut. Hum, what's a girl to do? Whether you are traveling, camping, picnicing, horse riding, etc. Make sure you have a happy and safe holiday weekend.
Visit to see some of the different Quilts of Valor put out by other fabric companies or a way you can get involved in such a great program.
May 27, 2011
Testing Complete!
And I think I passed them both. Kati Cupcake notified me that she needed testers for some of her new patterns to be released in just a few short weeks. She sent me the patterns for her cute new bags. Besides Amy, I am the only other sewer to make them. Just call me lucky! They were fabulous to make. It was my task to watch for typo's, make sure the cutting instructions were clear, and watch for any unclear steps. I didn't find much that needed to be changed. So without further adew here is Simply Delecious and My Little Favorite Bag. The first two photo's are the cover's of Amy's bag patterns.
First my Simply Delicious. This pattern actually comes in two sizes. I chose to make the large one. The fabric I used is from the new line Sew Cherry from Lori Holt for Riley Blake Designs. This fabric reminds me of a line of fabric that was out a few years ago called "Swell" from Moda. I think that's why I like it "sew" well.
The strap is something I haven't seen on a bag yet. Amy really did put some detail into the strap. It's really clever.
Big outside pockets.
And check out the bias trimmmed bottom. Very cute isn't it? And it makes for great stabalization.
Large inside pockets, my favorite in a bag.
I think you are really going to like this next bag. Remember her pattern for My Favorite Bag, well she has downsized it just a smidge or two. It's perfect for day use or perfect for an on the go sewing bag or diaper bag. It was fun using the 1" grommets.
The fabric on this bag is a hodge podge of pieces I had in my stash. Let's see if I can remember them. The main bag and inside pockets(the green polka dot) is from the Moda line Make Life which was out last spring. The outside pockets, bottom and straps came from Hobby Lobby. The sash is something new we have at the shop, oops I've drawn a blank on that one.
So what do you think of these cute bags? I think they are darling and are going to be a big hit in the sewing world, especially with all the "Bag Ladies" out there. Thanks Amy for giving me the opportunity to sew for you again. And it was great visiting with you at market. I can't wait for the patterns and your new fabric line to come out.

So what do you think of these cute bags? I think they are darling and are going to be a big hit in the sewing world, especially with all the "Bag Ladies" out there. Thanks Amy for giving me the opportunity to sew for you again. And it was great visiting with you at market. I can't wait for the patterns and your new fabric line to come out.
May 25, 2011
Hip Hip Hooray!
It's Karas' day. Happy Birthday to a sweet, funny and loveable little girl. Karas turned six on the fifth of May. She really did have some fun new things to play with. This little girl has had a few bumps on her journey of life. But boy is she overcoming them. In the last nine months of school she has really progressed. What great teachers we have in our schools that can give the special help that she needs.
She was so happy with her new bike and helmet and couldn't wait to get outside to ride it. Grandpa and Uncle Jacob can help her out. Ride, Karas ride!
It's all about the cake! Karas had her own little cupcake(not so little though)to play in. She had green frosting from one end to the other. Oh the fun of being six again! Eat up, it's all for you. We love you Karas and are so happy to have such a sweet little girl in our lives. Keep up the good work.
She was so happy with her new bike and helmet and couldn't wait to get outside to ride it. Grandpa and Uncle Jacob can help her out. Ride, Karas ride!
May 24, 2011
Trucks, Loaders & Dirt, Oh My!
What little boy doesn't like to play with trucks and dirt? The best part of this one is that it can be done inside on a quilt. Yup, a quilt. Thaynes birthday was the first of the month so we gave him this quilt that doubles as a playmat. I started giving the kids quilts when Hatch turned three. It has turned into a tradition of sorts.
We even included the trucks to go with the quilt.
Pillow talk!
Let's talk pillows for a minute shall we? Abbey Lane Quilts has a fun new book out. They got to preview it at market. A Touch of Whimsey is full of darling pillows, in fact there is twelve total.
Jump on over to Marcia and Janice's blog and check out their give away. A copy of this book could be yours.

May 23, 2011
Pretty Posie goes Satin!
A new twist on the my "Pretty Posie" flowers. I was experimenting with satin and came up with these. Cheap, cheap satin from Hobby Lobby works the best. I like the way the petals singed up. They almost look like an old vintage flower, don't they? And I just used a simple little tea light to do it. Then I added a button or a scrapbook brad in the center.
I just bought several colors to make some more. It cost me .74 cents for a 1/4 yard so why not by some in every color, right? Can't wait to share with you. I should be making a tutorial for these I guess. Maybe I'll try, not promising though.
May 21, 2011
My Magazine Fame!
Does this quilt look familiar to any of you quilters out there in blogland. You may recognize it from the Better Homes and Garden Perfect for Precuts Magazine. Corn Wgaon Quilts in Springville is very fortunate to have it hanging in their shop. The designer of this beautiful quilt just happens to be my good freind. If you don't know Emily of Crazy Old Ladies you should get to know her and her fun patterns. She lives right there in Springville.
Notice the binding.
The pattern is called B.Y.O.P. (Build Your Own Plaid). And you can find the directions on page 50. The layout picture of the quilt is done so well and it shows off Emily's great work to detail. If you haven't got a copy of this great magazine you ought to, there are lot's of other great projects in there to use up some of your favorite pre-cuts.
Now you are probably wondering where my magazine fame comes in aren't you? Well, I'm not the only person feeling the fame either. Both Mary Ann (from the shop) and I had our hands in on this quilt as well. She was the quilter that did such an awesome job and you guessed it, I was the lucky one to bind it. I have bound many quilts for Emily and I love it. I can't wait for a quilt to get done being quilted just so I can't get right to the binding. Am I the only one crazy like that? I think this is the second one of the many that has shown up in a magazine. Let's hear a hip, hip hooray for three talented ladies. Now that's team work for ya!
If your in the neighborhood of the Corn Wagon, stop by and say hi and to see this quilt in all it's glory. It's more beautiful in person. Really.
May 20, 2011
A Trunk Show!
My trunk is loaded and ready to go do a "Trunk" show for the Maple Mountain Quilters. I was asked by my good friend Lisa several months ago to do this. I can't believe just how many quilts I could come up with.
They even filled the back seat, but then I don't have a very big car.
Group meeting and business taken care of. This group meets right there at the Corn Wagon Quilt Shop. A place oh so familiar to me. That aspect of the day didn't frighten me, but talking in front of ladies did. Some of these ladies are master quilters, but you know what I put that fear behind me and just did my best. I just have to keep telling myself that there are so many quilters out there and each one is there own. Not everyone has the same style, likes etc. My quilts are to be used and loved by the recepient it's made for. When I sew a quilt, I want one that I can whip out really fast. That's why my quilts are always very simple ones, that's what I like. SIMPLE!
Here's the pile before I got started. Whew, that's alot of quilts to talk about. And there are many more that are not there. Some you can't get back from gift giving. To many to count.
These three demin quilts belong to each of my kids. This is something I made each of them when they graduated from HS. I saved all the different brands they wore and made the rag quilts. Notice some of the patches have the tags off the jeans. The kids can tell stories about the different squares and what happened with those jeans. Like a oil spot from work at the Oil Spout, or the first day they wore a new pair and ripped a huge hole in the knee at the stockshow, or maybe the horse ride with Dad up Spanish Fork Canyon. Oh, if these quilts could talk. I hope these quilts will bring them lots of memories to look back on during their school days. It sure did me while I was making them. And it seems that was just yesterday!
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