This is Thanye's quilt, his is bright colors throughout the blocks. The main fabric has Santa and elves trimmin the tree. Some of the prints are light bulbs, mittens, polka dots and stripes. I backed all of the quilts with minkie. It makes a warm and cuddly quilt.
November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving at the Whitehouse
This is Thanye's quilt, his is bright colors throughout the blocks. The main fabric has Santa and elves trimmin the tree. Some of the prints are light bulbs, mittens, polka dots and stripes. I backed all of the quilts with minkie. It makes a warm and cuddly quilt.
November 26, 2008
Movie Star Husband
For those of you that didn't get a chance to see the program last night on the National Geographic station I video taped a few of the segments with my camera. Not the best quality, but I wanted to share the excitement. I was going back and forth between this show and Dancing with the Stars so I don't think Stuart knew I was doing a little filming of my own. This story is about Doc Schaffer a good friend of ours that has been looking for this certain gold for about 40 years. This was exciting for us to see, Stuart had never done anything like this before. How does it feel to be rich and famous or should we just say famous! Can I have your autograph hunny? Way to go Stuart and Doc, John and Kody. It's not very often you see some good ol' boys from Spanish Fork on the t.v.
Happy Thanksgiving!

November 24, 2008
Yikes is right!
November 23, 2008
Simply Stylish Tote Bags
November 22, 2008
I'm married to a T.V. star!
I don't know if you remember or knew that back in May Stuart and our good friend Doc Shaffer were hired to film a National Geographic show on the search for gold. Doc has been involved in Spanish markings and gold treasures for most of his adult life. He got Stuart interested in it just after they met.
Just horses, this picture was taken northeast from the gold hole. It was a long hard "horseback" ride.
Back to school! (kind of)
I love visitors
November 18, 2008
Something vintage
Do you know anybody with shelves like this today? You can tell she didn't shop Costco! Maybe I should stop sewing just a little bit and focus on our food storage, hum that was just a quick thought. Check out her cute apron, back in style but it needs some quirking here and there and oh yea it needs ric rac! Happy canning!
November 17, 2008
Tag your it!
1. Did you date someone from your school? Yes, in my senior year I dated a Jr. Can you believe that silly game?
2. What kind of car did you drive? I wasn't fortunate enough to have my own car, but get this, I learned to drive in our brown Ford Galaxy 500. Wow! what a thrill to rod main in a family 4 door!
3. Did y0u pass your Driver's License Test your first try? As I recall I did, probably with the help of little Jimmy Beckstrom, no not really I did it all by myself.
4. Were you a party animal? I should say not.
5. Were you considered a flirt? Absolutely not.
6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? I was in the Sophmore Choir, I don't think I learned anything though, I still can't sing.
7. Were you a nerd? No, do I look like one?
8. Were you on any Varsity teams? No I hated P.E. classes.
9. Did you ever get suspended or expelled? Let me think about that, no.
10. Can you still sing the fight song? Bits and pieces.
11. Who were your favorite teachers? Mrs. Ruth Andrus, my business teacher and Miss Allred my sewing teacher, surprised?
12. Where did you sit for lunch? Not in the cafeteria that's for sure. It was usually in a car on the go to and from Payson. Back in the day our lunch break was an hour and fifteen minutes.
13. What is your school's full name? Spanish Fork High School
14. What is your school's mascot and colors? The Spanish Don and the colors are red and gray.
15. Did you go to Homecoming and with who? No
16. If you could go back and do it again would you? I don't think so, things were much easier then. I don't think I could pass the classes now. I might if all I had to take was cooking and sewing! It was fun while I was there, and I'm glad my kids survived it but I wouldn't change anything for where I am today.
17. What do you remember about Graduation? It was held in the auditorium, and the graduates sat on the stage, can you imagine trying to fit that many people in there today! We had alot of fun up there. That was probably the first time I had stayed out all night. Now call me the party animal!
18. Where did you go senior skip day? Me and my friends went to the University Mall and had our pictures taken in our caps and gowns at a place called the Poster Factory. We had them make wall size posters of us so we would have something special to remember our day. I took it with me when I went down to Snow College to hang on my wall. I bet you don't remember that store do you?
19. Were you in any clubs? Yep, the Steno Club which I know they don't have today. It was a business club where we practiced our short hand. And I was also in the FHA, Future Homemakers of America. I was in the club presidencies both my Jr. and Sr. years. And I can't forget the Friend Club, I can't remember much about this one, I probably just signed up for it so I could get my picture in the yearbook one more time!
20. Have you gained some weight since then? Do you need proof?
21. Who was your Prom date? His name is That Ellis.
22. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? Hum, it came and went 15 years ago. Yes I did go to it and if I recall it was a fun one. We have always had great times at each one.
23. Did you have a job in High School? Yes, you won't believe where. I worked after school in the front office of the High School. This later turned into a full time job with the counseling secretary, until I went to Snow for one quarter, then I came back and worked up until the time Kira was born. So it's almost like I never left the place after graduation.
Just a little extra for you, when the Senior class council made our class predictions they predicted me to be the next Betty Crocker, funny huh!
Now I tag Kaitlyn and Jamie Cowan, I hope she knows she's on my blog list.
November 16, 2008
Simply wonderful sewers
We seem do be getting more and more signing up for classes each month. For our December project we are making cute tote bags in three different sizes. The girls came up with this project. Some needed a scripture tote, others needed a tote for their sewing supplies and some wanted one for all their teaching materials. I will post a picture of them as soon as I finish up some odds and ends on them. Have you got any fun ideas floating around out there, we need something for our January class. Let me know if you do.
November 14, 2008
Scarey phone call
So after having a bummer of a night I went out to get the mail and this was shuffled in with some of the junk. It was addressed to Grandpa and Grandma White.
November 12, 2008
A Fun Get Away
Let the fun begin, we did lot's of fun stuff this time around, Stuart and the boys always like to go to the Oasis Gun Club in Mesquite and go shooting while the girls usually stay in George and shop. Not this time, I went shooting with Stuart and if you ask my kids this is very unusual for me, I'm not around the guns that much and they are much better at it than I am. Stuart was very patient and willing to help me learn something new. I think I shot about 15 clays out of about 100. Boy are those guns heavy or am I just a winkling!
Friday we took a ride over to Zion's National Park. It's been a few years since we've drove all the way through the park. What a pretty time of year. We stopped and did a little picture taking of ourselves with such pretty scenery for backdrops.
Quilted Works is you guessed it, a fabric store. They carry darling stuff. This shop has only been opened a couple of years, and are getting more and more in everytime I visit.
My next stop was the Lazy Daisy Cottage, this is the cutest quilt shop in town. Dana Brooks is the owner and she has the funnest kits put together that you can buy. She also designs quilt patterns.