March 25, 2009
Simply Quilts
For Simply Sewing 101 in April we will be making a very simple quilt, and when I say simple I really mean it. This is a fun pattern that is put together with 1 yard of main fabric, 1/8 yard accent fabric and 1/3 yard for the bottom. We will be learning a couple of methods for the applique work. Now don't let the applique work scare you off. The pattern was designed by Emily and Margery of Crazy Old Ladies here in the area. I talked to Emily and she said that would be fine to do these in sewing class. I've made a couple of the flower quilt but thought we needed somthing boyish. I came up with the Sail Away idea after we got this cute fabric in at the Corn Wagon. You could really applique anything on this quilt, it is really versatile. Use one of my designs or come up with something of your own. Wouldn't something western be fun. Stretch your imagination with this one.
Let's share, Sew & Tell
You probably have noticed the cute little swap button on my side bar. It is for a Rainblow Block Quilt Swap. I finished up my blocks on Monday. I had to make nine 12" blocks. We got to choose the color we wanted so I chose light blue, then we had to put them together with white fabric. We could choose any block we wanted to make as long as it finished out at 12". I did a variation of the snowball block. Now I will send them to Jane and she will distribute the blocks amongst the other swappers in the rainbow. All together there will be nine more blocks coming my way in all the colors of the rainbow. Won't it be fun to see where all the blocks come from. This was a fun and different swap, something unique for spring. 
On the back of each block we had to add a bit of information so each participant would know where the blocks are coming from. I just attached one of my little cards with all of that.
My next project finished up was the mystery bag that Gracie Lou's sponsored. This was a really fun sew along that lasted a week. Both me and Kira did this together. It was fun talking to her over the phone on each of the sewing days to compare what we thought was going to be the next step. In the end the bag is darling and sooooooooooo big. I gave mine to Kaitlyn to use as a diaper bag or travel bag for her trip to Nauvoo. Thanks to Jana from Gracie Lou's for making this fun for everyone. If she doesn't mind, I think I want to incorporate something like this into my Simply Sewing class. We are going to have a Simply Sewing 101 Saturday Retreat, I think this would be something we could do during the day. What do you think?
This is the inside of the bag. I added two more pockets inside from left over fabric, and I bound the pocket edges with bias tape.
Isn't she cute! I like the way she had us do the straps with the D-rings. A very cute accent. And the pocket on the front is a kangaroo pocket. It kind of reminds me of some aprons I've made in the past! What a fun bag. It's time to make another one I do believe, although I would change a few things on it to fit my needs. Happy Sewing, Shannon
March 18, 2009
Bloom Where You Are Planted!
Last evening we celebrated together as sisters in honor of the Relief Societies Birthday. The theme for the evening was "Bloom Where You Are Planted". They sent a sign up sheet around in Relief Society about a month ago asking for sisters to decorate tables using this theme. Of course I couldn't let this one pass by. I like to do these type of things. The theme was an easy one to work around and I had things already here to use. Instead of your normal pastel spring colors I went with something a bit different. At first when I finished up the table topper I thought to myself, does it look like were headed to Disneyland to meet Mickey and Minnie? It all started coming together as I collected the different things for the centerpiece. Here are the end results.
Each of the napkin holders had a cute little bug chocolate floating on top of it. We enjoyed a nice dinner and a wonderful message from Sis. Boothe centered around the theme. She read us a wonderful story called "Boxes for Katje". It has a meaningful message to it. I suggest you locate it at your favorite bookstore or library and read it. The evening was enjoyed by all those sisters attending. I had many compliments on such a cute table and a nice thank you for adding that little extra touch of spring we are all ready for. By the way, wasn't today a beautiful day (at least in my neck of the woods it was). Let's hope it's here to stay. Everyone think spring!
Bon Voyage!
We play while the boss' are away! Marsha and Mary Ann are cruisn' with Dave's Bernina this week. They are teaching a quilt class today on the cruise, how fun does that sound? But check this little baby out. I had a funny thought come to me last Thursday morning while I was getting ready for work. About 11 years ago Me and Stuart went on a Carnival Cruise and we had brought this cute Barbie back to Kaitlyn. (I can't believe I paid $45.00 for this, the price tag was still on the box. What was I thinking?) Anyway I found the Barbie and took her to work with me. While Mary Ann was gone to the post office we made a sign and put her on the counter for everyone to see. She didn't even see it until a customer pointed it out to her. Boy was she surprised, but she knew exactly who had done it. "Who, me?" I said when she asked.
We even filled Barbie's little bag with fabric scraps to get the real affect. I don't think Marsha or Mary Ann will be wearing anything quite like this but I'm sure they are having a great time while we man the shop! It's such a tough life, but somebodies got to it!
Merry Spring!!
Last Thursday evening I met two of my greatest and funniest friends for supper. We usually get together on a regular schedule, but we have fallen behind on that. Kris Money and Ruth Ann Roach have been in my life for over ten years now. We served together in the Stake Young Women's Presidency together. We had so much fun serving together, there was never a dull moment with the three of us around.
Me, Kris and Ruth Ann at Red Lobster. Notice the green boxes in the background. I hate to admit this but it's their Christmas presents! Yup, Happy Spring I told them. I'm such a slacker. I never did get their packages to them during the holidays. We couldn't find a time to get together and I just never delivered their gifts. Boy, I'm bad. I'm sure they weren't expecting Christmas presents that evening.
I made both of them new aprons. Kirs' was an allover floral and Ruth Ann's was made from softball fabric, she is such a sport nut. It was just right for her taste's.
Where were these cute things when we were doing all the cooking at Girl's Camp? Anyway 4 months later they have their Christmas gifts that were gathering dust in my front closet. Happy Spring girl's.
Kris also celebrated a birthday last month while I was in St. George so I took her birthday present with me that night also. Double whammy for Kris. Kris was just put in the R.S. Presidency in her ward. I knew just the gift, a bag! You definately need a big bag for that calling. Kris has always liked the color red. I found these pieces in my stash and put it all together in one afternoon. I love it when I don't have to stop in the middle of something and run to town to get it. She adored her new bag.
I changed the pockets just a little bit by adding bias trim around the top of them. A cute little touch I think. I also did it on the outside pocket.
It's "SEW" & Tell Wednesday again already. Where in the world did this week go. This will be my sew & tell for this week. Are any of you participating the the Mystery Purse Sew Along? How are you coming with that? What a fun project, when I think I have something in mind for the next step it's completely different than what I thought it would be. I can't wait to see everyone's finished bag. All I can say is, "It's huge!" Happy Sewing, Shannon
March 13, 2009
Welcome to the Corn Wagon!
So when I walked into work Wednesday morning this is what I saw. What a surprise. The Floating Square quilt I finished up last week was hanging on the display rack in the front entry of the store. I knew it was going to be on display but I didn't think it would make the front entry.
The girl's had stayed late Tuesday night and changed the display out to surprise me. I work with such fun ladie's. That morning we finished putting the rest of the fabric line out and refolded the fat quarters to put in the little red wagon. We brought up some Americana stitcheries and the patterns to display as well.
The girl's had stayed late Tuesday night and changed the display out to surprise me. I work with such fun ladie's. That morning we finished putting the rest of the fabric line out and refolded the fat quarters to put in the little red wagon. We brought up some Americana stitcheries and the patterns to display as well.
My Simply Swing'n Girl's!
Boy were things swing'n Tuesday night at my Simply Sewing 101 class. We pulled another late nighter. It was after 11:00 when I got home that night. I wonder if there is a curfew or time limit for the use of the church. If so we have broken them so many times already. Do you think they will fire me? We had lots of fun sewing our swing bags. This is one of Amy Butler's patterns. For some it was fairly easy for other's a little challenging. But we got them all done and I hope they are all showing them off to co-workers and friends! The girl's had some really cute fabric choices. We didn't get a group photo but I did get photo's of the late night swingers!!

Just a quick little note about the sewing machine Angela's friend is sewing on. When she came in with her sewing machine case I knew what she was going to pull out of it. I was right, it was a replica of my very first Bernina. Stuart bought it for me right before we got married almost 28 years ago. Seeing that machine brought back lots of memories for me. I don't know how many little girl's dresses were sewn on that thing. This little gal couldn't figure out how to back stitch, I walked right over and did it just like I remember doing, I hadn't forgot a thing about it. I miss that sweet little thing.

Oh my gosh, look at Brooke's bag. Isn't it the cutest thing ever. We just couldn't get enough of it. You see this animal print on handbags all over the place. Did you know you can buy it in fabric now? She found it online. One of the other gal's ordered some the next morning, she called to see if I wanted some. What do you think my answer to that question was? Don't think to hard.
Dondy loved her bag so much she couldn't take her eyes off of it! Way to go Dondy, the black and red combo is just right.
Shanna and her bag. She is always making for someone else. This one is for a friend that loves blue. Now it's her turn for her bag and knowing Shanna she won't just stop at one!
This is Angela modeling her bag, she looks like she's ready for the run way. She made this one for her sister. Hum, I hope she finished the sash before she gave it to her. Did you get your homework done Angela?
Erin's bag was really cute to. She made hers out of a brown all over polka dot with a striped sash. Just perfect for spring and summer. Good job Erin.
It was so late, we forgot to put everyone's name in for the drawing so I did it when I got home. I made two little tissue holders to put in their new bags. The winners are Brooke and Dondy. I'll get your prizes to you girl's. So you can tell by the pictures we sure do have a swing'n good time at Simply Sewing. Our next class will be April 14th and we will be making a really simple quilt that could be used for baby or a lap quilt. We will be learning easy applique' that night.
March 11, 2009
Almost forgot!
Ohh, I just about forgot about "SEW" & Tell Wednesday. This is my sew & tell for this week. It's the So Soothing Spa Bag from the Better Homes and Garden special collections magazine we got in last week. It has satin cording for the drawstring. Inside the bag I put a bath sponge and foot
file. The outside of the bag has four seperate pockets, in those I put lotion, bath wash, body spray and shampoo. This would make a great gift for a new bride or mom to be. It would also make a nice travel accessory bag or a good sewing catch all.
These are fairly simple to make, I changed things just a little on the bag. If you know me, I have to tweek things here and there to add my own style. What other great uses have you got floating around in your head for this fun little bag? Let's see how many things we can come up.
file. The outside of the bag has four seperate pockets, in those I put lotion, bath wash, body spray and shampoo. This would make a great gift for a new bride or mom to be. It would also make a nice travel accessory bag or a good sewing catch all.
Leave me a comment, I'd love to hear from you. Shannon
It's been awhile since I've bragged about these four little darlings. They were all here on Friday while me and the girl's did a little bit of sewing so I made sure I found time to take pictures of all of them. In my brag book they are the cutest grandkids ever. My grandma Larsen used to say, "Have you ever seen an ugly grandchild?" Don't you agree with her, there's not one.
McKinley or Little Miss M as we call her. She's getting up on those knees and will be taking off any day now. Watch out world here she comes. She looks much different without one of her many bows. Her eyelashes are so long now they touch her eyebrows, simply darling!
What a cheeser this little guy is. It doesn't matter where he is or what he's doing he is always happy. He was caged up in the play pen and loved playing peek a boo with grammie.
What a sweetheart(most of the time). Karas is a busy, busy 4 year old. She brings lots of love and laughter to our lives. There's never a dull moment when she's around. We wouldn't trade her for anything else in the world.
Hatch is growing up so fast. He's reading and writing very well and loves school. He called us the other night to inform us that he has his first loose tooth and wanted to know if Grandpa could come over that night and pull it. I hope I didn't burst his bubble when I told him it could take a couple of days of wiggling. Then we would be over to help out.
These are 4 little things that make my life happy.
These are 4 little things that make my life happy.
March 4, 2009
Zippity Doo Dah, Zippity Yay,
... my oh, my what a wonderful day! I just finished up the Floating Squares quilt I was working on for the shop. So I came through with my Wednesday's "Sew" & Tell after all. As I mentioned on Monday this was made from a 10" layer cake and is from the Zippity Doo Dah line from Moda. And don't forget you can get the kit at Corn Wagon Quilt Shop ( Check out the shop online. We can ship it out to you. Mention your friend Shannon sent you.
And while your sewing on your quilt this is the recipe you will want to make for snacking on. It is located in the Piece of Pie Quilt Pattern Book by Pie Plate Patterns. Thanks Bonnie and Brenda for sharing.

Floating Square Cake
1 small package instant chocolate pudding
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1 cup milk
3 1/2 cup whipped topping
1 angel food cake - prepared
Frosting: Mix first four ingredients.
Cut top of cake off. Remove center of cake and fill with frosting. Replace top of cake and frost.
Just 15 Minutes!
On Monday I told you a little bit about the Zippitty Doo Dah quilt I was working on and that it would be done for Wednesday's "SEW" & Tell. Well that didn't happen. Too many other interupations at work on Monday & Tuesday got in the way. After I started working at the Corn Wagon I introduced them to something I call the 15 minute table runner. Well, ever since it has been my job (sorta) to change the table runner on the counter every now and then. This hadn't been done since we moved the Valentine's fabric upstairs. It was time for something springy! So this is what I came up with. I've made so many of these I think I've got it down to 10 minutes now. I don't know why I don't do a tutorial for these simple, simple things. That's something I'll have to work on.

Yummy Amy Butler fabrics and pink bubble gum ric-rac just shouts spring to me!
This fabric just came in yesterday, so they asked if I would make a runner for the display chest. It's from Blackbird Designs for Moda. A little on the pretty side for me. But nice colors to work with, I'm also making a spa bag for the display. Watch for it next week.

Here's an idea for the table runners. I've made these for my girls for all the holiday's. What a cute gift to work on all year long and give then as a bundle for Christmas. It gives you a good excuse to shop for fabric all year long! And who doesn't love fabric shopping. Got to run, sewing to do. It's going to be a Zippity Doo Dah Day, hope yours is to. Shannon

This fabric just came in yesterday, so they asked if I would make a runner for the display chest. It's from Blackbird Designs for Moda. A little on the pretty side for me. But nice colors to work with, I'm also making a spa bag for the display. Watch for it next week.

March 2, 2009
A Zippity Doo Dah Weekend!
Good morning and a happy March to all of you. I hope your weekend was filled with lots of fun and enjoyment. I worked all weekend, but I have to admit my work is fun. I started 2 quilts for the shop. I finished one of them Saturday night. It's from the children's book Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? by Eric Carle for Andover Fabrics. It turned out really cute. The kits are all put together and ready to go at the store.
The second quilt is from the book, Piece of Pie, Layer Cake Friendly Quilt Patterns put out by some friends of mine, Brenda and Bonnie Bailey at They live in Fountain Green. I'm making it from the cute Zippity Doo Dah! line from Sandy Gervais. I am constantly at awe of designers who come up with new designs that are fresh and inspiring over and over. Sandy is one of my favorite designers.
Floating Square is the name of the pattern, this book really has some fun ways to use layer cakes. I highly recommend this book if your struggling with layer cakes. And another plus of the book, they share some yummy recipes for every pattern.
Piece striping in the works! (Yikes) Who wouldn't have a Zippity Doo Dah day with this going on! The colors just put a smile on your face and a spring in your step. I should have this finished up by Wednesdays "SEW" & Tell. Have a Zippity Doo Dah day. Shannon

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