February 28, 2009
The royal treatment!

Simply "SWING"ing!

Thread to match
29 and holding!

I look forward to this night every month. Thursday night we had club at Melba's. Melba and I combined January and February clubs together and had one big birthday bang to celebrate our Club's 30th birthday. Yup, we've been meeting together on a regular basis for 30 years. So you know the old saying when your turning 30, we're 29 and holding! This means if club is getting older we are to. It doesn't seem like any of us are getting that way at all! Right girl's? Things may come and go but this friendship will last forever.
We served roast beef, fruit & dip, strawberry spinach salad, baked potatoes, rolls and a yummy tomatoe pineapple spread. We ate till our little stomachs were content and buldging!
What else would you have at a birthdy party but cake and ice cream and cupcakes. And we didn't forget the candles either. The cute little cake and cupcakes came from the fun bakery, Dippidee's in American Fork. (I wasn't to impressed with it this time around, I have to say that my red velvet cake recipe is every bit as good as theirs or better, sorry Dippidee's. I do love their sugar cookies though)
For the favor's I found these fun little purses at Michael's. I decorated them with a piece of ribbon and hung a cute key ring off of the handle and loaded them with money! (Gold coins and mini $100,000 bars). We have so much fun when we get together, you can just imagine the laughter that goes on when were all there. These are moments that will be in my memory forever. May we have many more happy ones to celebrate together.
Watch a little of our birthday celebration.
February 25, 2009
A "SWEET" Sew & Tell!

Judi Johnston(http://jjohnston1.blogspot.com/) had something to share with us. She made these 2 cute quilts for her Ward Budget Fair. I didn't know they still let you hold those events. Good job Judi and thanks for sharing.
Have you got anything you want to share, contact me and I'll get them posted for you. Happy Sewing ladies.
February 24, 2009
Shannon's Fabulous Finds!!

After we had been to the car wash and TJ'S we rode out to the western store. We can always find something to buy there. Not that we need it, but it's fun to look. I bought some really nice towels for the new bathroom downstairs last time. Stuart's been waiting for a hat to come in there, still not in. We browsed a minute and I spotted these cute boots, it was a toss up between the 2 pairs! The high heel boots, well they didn't have my size. (Darn!!)Where in the world would I wear these anyways. I don't think I've worn anything that high since the 80's. I ended up getting the square toed pair. Cute huh?

We drove out to Santa Clara to Grandma Tobler's bakery. This is such a yummy bakery I highly recommend it when your driving through. You can't miss it. It's in a little old house that is painted pink just like the sugar cookie I bought!

have it! So worth every bite. Just call me piggy!

Stuart always does well at every station. I guess that comes with lots of practice. All in all we had a great week of get away fun. So my shopping excursions weren't the best this time but we sure had fun. I forgot to take pictures of my fabulous finds from the quilt stores. I'll try to get the projects completed so you can see what I bought there. Darn more sewing to do!
February 23, 2009
Swapping Bags!

February 18, 2009
"SEW" and Tell

Let's SWING yada yada! My Simply Sewing girls love making bags so I showed them the idea of making a purse or handbag. We have already made tote bags that most of them use for their church callings so they thought it was a great idea to make the purse. Here are the two samples of the SWING bag I have completed.

February 16, 2009
Seeing Spots!
Template Fairies
February 14, 2009
Dinner for Two!


Watch for the plate as the Grandma & Grandpa fly by in the Hot Car!
I'm "Tagging" You!