May 31, 2009
Join me for a sew along!
Have you noticed the new button on my side bar. This is a fun quilt sew along hosted by Dana at Old Red Barn Co. The quilt looks really easy. She is on week 2( I'm already a little behind) and it runs for 6 weeks but this is a sew along you can join anytime. To get all the details just click on the button I have posted. I can't wait, I'm going to St. George this weekend with my girl's, hum I know what I'll be shopping for while I'm there. Come join me and let's do this together and share our progress.
Meet some of my bag-oholic friends. Thursday evening was my first bag class at the Corn Wagon. We had "SEW" much fun getting to know one another. These are ladies I had never met but have seen them in the store now and them. I have a feeling we will be seeing a bit more of them as they all seemed very interested in the Bag Ladies Club. We had 12 in the class. We have had such a great response to this new club that we have added a second class for this same bag. We are holding a morning class on June 10th from 10:00 -12:00. I think we still have openings left if you are interested in joining us.

Most of the fabrics the ladies were using were bright and fun, just right for a new summer bag. Our refreshment's that night were the homemade Twix Bars I blogged about awhile back. My camera died before the evening was over so I didn't get any pictures of finished bags. For those that didn't complete their bag on that night, for an incentive to get their bags done and to come join us for the next months bag we will be having a monthly drawing. I'm making a fun little quilt to hang up. You guessed it, it has bags that we can put our prizes in. Fun huh.
Our theme for our June bags is Have Bags, Will Travel! Stop in and see the display and sign up. I think you might like what's in store for you.
S'More Please!
Ahh the first smores of the season. What a fun Memorial Day camping trip we had up Diamond Fork Canyon. It's a good thing we roasted our marshmallow's the first night because we had down pours the other two. There's nothing yummier than roasted marshmallows sandwiched between chocolate and graham crackers. The "big" kids had just as much fun as the little ones.
Kids in the canyon!

Just the way I like em'! Thanks to Hatch he was doing all my roasting.
Where's Thayne?
Peek a boo!
And the horses even got to go camping. This was the first ride to kick off the summer season. The rain put a little bit of a damper on it and they weren't out for long. Hatch and Patch are long time friends. He now can handle him all by himself. We officially broke Karas in with her very first horse ride.
Memorial Day is just the start of our camping season, there are lot's more of these outings planned for the summer. We need more smores! Isn't it great to get together with family. I hope your holiday was just as fun as ours was.
Watch out! Shooter in training
Oh my my, is this little guy ready for a gun! While we were up camping over Memorial Day weekend Uncle Jacob brought up his .22 rifle for Hatch to try his hand at shooting. He couldn't wait to get started. Stuart taught Hunter's Ed here in the community for several years and all of our kids graduated from his class. They know how to handle and shoot their own guns, so I guess it's only fitting that he starts on the grandkids now. I just can't believe we have one that's ready for it. They are so lucky to have a grandpa that knows this stuff. Once he got Hatch all set up, he had a ball shooting at the target and plastering that poor old turkey with holes.
Right smack in the center.
I think we have another shooter amongest the White house clan. How much you wanna bet me this little guy isn't staying home come hunting season this year! Nice job Hatch.
We are family . . .
I 've got all my brothers and sisters with me. I think that's how the song goes. It was great to get together with this wild bunch! We were all in town for Memorial weekend so we met at Goodwood's in Orem for dinner on Saturday night. It's been a very long time since we have all been together. We had lot's of fun visiting and catching up on everyone's kids and grandkids.
May 29, 2009
I'm such a blog slacker this week. Things around here have been a little hectic. I promise I'll get caught up just as soon as we get back from Idaho Falls this weekend. So much to share with you like, grandkids, Memorial Day, sewing and much more. Until then have a great weekend doing all the fun things you have planned. Shannon
May 20, 2009
I've been Framed!
My cute neice Chelsey, is the sweetest thing. Monday night she showed up at the front door with a gift bag and an envelope addressed to me. She said it was a thank you gift for helping her on Saturday at our sew-along. Look what was inside, isn't it the cutest frame you have ever seen? I guess if you are a sewer like me it is. She even included one of the pictures we had taken on Saturday of all the White Crew. Thank you Chelsey for thinking of me. It goes perfectly in my sewing room.
I didn't get a chance to take a picture of Chelsey and her cute mystery bag. So I stole this off her blog so I could show it off to all of you. She has become quite the little sewer. You can't tell I'm the proud aunt or anything, can you? Her bag is "shut up" cute as the girl's would say around here. The trim on her bag was something I hadn't seen. It was a linen colored lace that matched her bag really well. She said they also had it in white at Gracie Lou's. I still haven't made it over to pick some up for the next bag. It is something unique and makes her bag a one of a kind.
You can't tell it but Chelsey is 7 months pregnant. She's hiding her cute little (and I mean little) belly behind her bag. This just shows you just how big this bag really is. I had lot's of fun coming up with such a fun and functional bag. The girl's had alot of fun trying to figure out from one clue to the next what was going to take shape on the bag. Hopefully I will be able to get this out in pattern form some day. Let's call this Wednesday's "Sew and Tell" should we. Got to run and get ready for my first quilt class as a teacher. I'm teaching the Antique Baby quilt at the shop tonight. I'm up against the American Idol finale, I hope everyone shows up. Happy Sewing, Shannon
This is it, the Vintage Baby quilt. Wish me luck!
This is it, the Vintage Baby quilt. Wish me luck!
May 18, 2009
Picnicing Mr. Panell ( Is this a John Wayne movie?)
Sunday afternoon Stuart suggested we make a picnic and go for a ride up Diamond Fork Canyon, one of his favorite places to take a truck tour. We hadn't been on a picnic for a very long time. I said, "Sure why not. I had just finished making a macaroni salad to go with the leftover meat tray from the day before. We had all your typical picnic foods just ready and waiting for a day like this.
The picnic put a little spring in Stuart's step so off we go adventuring!
After we finished our lunch and cleaned up we got back in the truck and headed over the hills and through the ruts to Streepers we would go. Stuart has drawn an elk permit for this falls hunt so he wanted to ride over towards Strawberry to check out the elk herd. On our way down Indian Creek we spotted this doe coming down to water.
Another bag!
Hi, my name is Shannon and I'm a Bag-aholic. As I told you in an earlier post. These things are so fun to make and there are so many to try. Here is another one to prove it! I just finished up this cute bag. I made it from some directions I read in a magazine. I think I wanted to do it because I needed a challenge. This bag has 8 big gromets that the handle goes through. I had never done these before. What a snap they were to do. I want to try them again they were so easy. Take a peek at my new bag, see what ya think. I guess I'll use this one for a while now or until something new comes along that I can't live without.
Isn't the fabric adorable on this bag. For the bottom I picked up some linen at JoAnn's and the rest came from Gracie Lou's. I even found a cute little fob to hang from the outside zippered pocket that I threw in before sewing the lining in. The directions didn't call for it, I just added it myself just like the key fob and an extra pocket.
Mystery Bag Revealed!
What a fun day Myself and my sewing girls had on Saturday. We had our first annual Simply Sew-along Saturday. I have to admit, it was a huge sucess. I was getting a little loopy towards the end but we made it through. Some of the ladies came to learn new things and others came to get caught up on some of the previous projects we have made. We enjoyed a pot lunch with salads, meat tray and home made rolls thanks to Dondy and her nice husband, Taylor. Here are a few pictures showing just how much fun we had. We missed all of you that couldn't make it, I still have your patterns ready for you if you are still interested in making them. Get in contact with me.
Wild and crazy, Dondy and Shanna!
Shanna and Lou Ella. Lou Ella just about finished up all of her scrapbags plus a couple of aprons.
Kaitlyn and Kira were there the whole day sewing, what a great break from the kids, plus they got to spend the day with their Mom. What could be better than that? They were having a blast as you can tell. Kaitlyn was showing us with all her enthusiasm just how many Swing Bags she has made. She has made 6 total. You sew Kaitlyn!
Look at the fun visitors Chelsey brought. This is my sister in-law Pam. She came to work on the quilt we did last month. It turned out adorable. I was so glad to have her and Rachelle join us for the day. We have not been together for a really long time.
Rachelle just found out she's going to be a new mom, so she was all excited to come and make a couple of receiving blankets. They are 80% sure it's going to be a little girl.
Most of the girl's sewing have been with me from the start and had made every project offered so I had to come up with something really fun for them. I came up with a darling mystery bag for them to sew. They had to follow each clue to sewing their bags. I even threw in a couple of challenges for their bags, like a back outside zippered pocket and a cute little pocket for their cell phones. They all loved the bag. Here it is, Mystery Mildred as I called her.
Annie and her bag.
Shanna and Dondy sporting their new mystery bag, these two just kept telling me they wanted a big bag, so here it is you two. I hope you like it.
And this is Kaitlyn's cute bag, zoom in and see the fun little flower decoration we made for the flap of the bag.
Kira's finished bag. This bag has lots of fun pockets inside as well. If they sewed them all the way I had directed you come up with a total of 9 fun ways to use them. This bag would be a great diaper bag, sewing bag or travel bag.
Pam and Rachelle with the baby blankets they got finished. They are made out of the cutest little minky prints. I think this baby is spoiled already!
Me and the girl's with our bags.
What a fun bunch of girl's. Kaitlyn, Kira, Me, Rachelle, Chelsey and Pam. I'm so glad Chelsey invited them to come sew with us.
The next Simple Sew-along Saturday will be in 6 months, it will take me that long to recover from this one. jk. I look forward to it. Our next simply sewing project will be learning how to bind the quilts they did in April. June 9th is the night. See you there.
Most of the girl's sewing have been with me from the start and had made every project offered so I had to come up with something really fun for them. I came up with a darling mystery bag for them to sew. They had to follow each clue to sewing their bags. I even threw in a couple of challenges for their bags, like a back outside zippered pocket and a cute little pocket for their cell phones. They all loved the bag. Here it is, Mystery Mildred as I called her.
The next Simple Sew-along Saturday will be in 6 months, it will take me that long to recover from this one. jk. I look forward to it. Our next simply sewing project will be learning how to bind the quilts they did in April. June 9th is the night. See you there.
Are you a Bag-aholic?
If you think you might be, come join the newest club at the Corn Wagon. Don't know what to do with all that cute, cute fabric you have stashed away. Well, come make bags with the Bag Ladies. (Shannon and Suzanne) We will be getting together the 4th Thursday of the month. We have some really great bags planned for the summer months. 
This is our first bag, the pattern is from Melly and Me and is called the Black Forrest Bag. This is just the right size to use as a purse. If you are interested you need to get signed up and pick up a supply list there at the store. The class is May 28th from 6:00 - 8:00 or maybe longer. The last time I checked there were still a few openings left. Come in and see me and let's get you signed up.
A fun Mother's Day!
What a fun day, Stuart and I traveled to Levan to spend some time with the Mitchell's. Kaitlyn and Mike had done a wonderful job. Everything was great. Kaitlyn had asked her dad to make dutch oven potatoes for our contribution to lunch. These are one of Kaitlyn's favorites. We had already gotten both the girl's these nice Lodge cast iron pots and then I made the cute dishtowels and washcloths to go with it. What a surprise when we didn't show up with the potatoes already done. Stuart wanted to make them in Kaitlyn's new mother's day gift!

Me and my two cute girls.
After lunch and a little visiting we headed back Santaquin way to stop in and drop off Kira's gift. We caught them just as they were getting home from camping. The kids were all hyped up about seeing us and couldn't wait for mom to get her present opened. What great little helpers.
Ride em' cowboy! Isn't this the cutest little rocking bull? And cowboy! It plays a couple tunes when you squeeze his ears. And Thayne knew just how to make it rock back and forth. This is the gift we gave him for his birthday.
"Teach me how to make these Dad," Kaitlyn said. Look whose doing the cooking! Good ole Dad!
After lunch and a little visiting we headed back Santaquin way to stop in and drop off Kira's gift. We caught them just as they were getting home from camping. The kids were all hyped up about seeing us and couldn't wait for mom to get her present opened. What great little helpers.
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