January 30, 2009
The "Artfull" Bra!
"The Artfull" Bra spectacular brought to you by Quilter's of South Carolina!
Quilter's of South Carolina have created a one-of-a kind show of BRAS for Breast Cancer Awareness, the Artfull bra. The exhibit consists of forty-nine original works of art which are unique, entertaining, humorous and beautiful. All created to make the public aware of breast cancer. See more of the bras here.http://www.quiltersofsc.org/ click on the Artfull Bra Headline.
You have got to see them for yourself, I'm sure you will be just as amazed as I was.
January 28, 2009
100, Let's have a Giveway!

Thanks to the gal's at the Corn Wagon for helping me with this project. And to my wonderful husband who thinks my first love is my sewing machine, not true. He has always been very supportive in all my endeavors. Thanks Stuart, you will always come first. Thanks to my kids and grandkids for always being on the receiving end of my projects. They are always the ones to get the firsts of everything I make. I don't hear to much complaining going on though! Also thanks to my friends and family for letting me create for them too. All of you are my inspiration to keep doing what I love "SEW" much, "SEWING"!!
January 26, 2009
A little lost!

Oh my it's the old reliable laptop. Why you ask? We didn't think we'd miss using the computer that much, well you guessed it. We did! We had to take the computer apart downstairs for the remodeling job that's going on. I told Stuart I'd be ok without it, come to find out he couldn't do it either. He's so smart, this is our make do computer station for a little while.

A new blogger!

January 25, 2009
It's finished!

Here's a close up of the raw edges after the quilt was washed and dried, and the bottom picture is the finished quilt.

Let's make bags!

Legal Again!
Happy Birthday Kaitlyn Jane, your legal again. Didn't you just turn 16 and was getting your Drivers License? Now your 21!! What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, let's go! jk Hope your birthday was an extra special one. We had a girl's day out Friday to help Kaitlyn celebrate. We met at the Italian Place for lunch, and then went to the spa to use our gift certificates we got for Christmas. On the way we had a few minutes so we stopped at Rocket Rebellion a cute new store in Spanish Fork, it carries alot of fun new and old vintage items. Jan and I had a good time reflecting on some of the things they carry. It took us back to our childhood days. We had Kaitlyn and Kira laughing as we talked about the good old days. You need to check this store out when your in town if you want a good laugh. Kaitlyn and her birthday gifts. Last May I helped her and her sister in law, Tori peice a quilt together. The pattern they used was Turning Twenty, to bad it wasn't called Turning 21!! They both did a great job on them. Kaitlyn got hers all done and it's been at my house since waiting to be quilted, so for a surprise I had it quilted and then I bound it for her. She was pleased with the end result.

January 20, 2009
A Really Fun Swap!

January 18, 2009
Happy Birthday to:
Our cute little Karas, isn't this attractive. There's nothing like a yummy brownie all at one time. What a fun afternoon we had visiting and enjoying each other's company. I'm glad they could all be here for the weekend, we don't get together as much as we used to, the kids are all scattered around. I'm so lucky to have such a great family, I love each and every one of them so much. Thanks for making my life complete.
Girl's + Fun= LOVE!
A Sneak Peek!
You SEW girls!
January 12, 2009
I love Bargains!!
Sewing again!
January 6, 2009
Hands off!
January 4, 2009
Let's Swap!