Hey girl's get ready to sew! Our Simply Fabulous Sew Along will be on Saturday, May 16th from 9:00 - 4:00. We will be reviewing the projects we have done the last 6 months so if there is something you missed out on now is the time to do them. I have posted all the pictures of our projects in one spot so you don't have to go back to older posts.
Simply Stylish Tote Bags
Sewing Scrap Bags
Everyday Housewife Aprons
15 Minute Tablerunners, this is a follow up class from our last Super Saturday. So many have wanted to do them again so I added it to our sew along.
Self-binding receiving blankets
Simply Swingn' Bag

We also did Simply Simple Pillowcases. I failed to get a picture, sorry. We want everyone to come sew with us. If you have unfinished projects that need to be completed bring them. Let's get them done. I will also be offering a fun mystery bag for any of those who are interested in this. There will be different steps given throughout the day to finish up the mystery. I will say one thing about it,it's really cute. Join in on the fun and mystery! We will be having a pot luck luncheon. The meat tray and rolls will be provided. If you are going to be there during lunch please contribute something to the luncheon. I hope to see everyone there. It's going to be a "FABULOUS" day, please join us.