We had a fun filled Halloween, how about you? Kaitlyn and McKinley came up from Levan and Kira and the kids came over from Santaquin as soon as Hatch was done with school. We decided to go to lunch at the Pizza Factory here in town. It's always fun to go somewhere to eat on Halloween and see all the fun costumes the employees come up with. Hatch thought it would be a good idea that we invite Grandpa for lunch, we don't get to do this very often so it was fun to have him there too. The kids looked so cute in their costumes. Beware it's picture overload on this post.
Grandpa, Thanye the pony and Karas the Can-Can dancer.
Kira and Sheriff Hatch
Little Miss M as a Ladybug and Kaitlyn
Thanye is such a happy little guy, you just start to talk to him and he lights up.
These are some pretty cute grandkids if you ask me!
Now this was a little challenging trying to get everyone to look at the camera and smile! What a fun time for the kids, they had so many treats they didn't know where to start first.
This is the Whitehouse T.P. Pumpkin Patch, this is what I made for a few little special Trick or Treaters that came our way! They are made on a roll of toilet paper and covered with a fabric fat quarter stuffed inside the roll, then I added a couple of leaves and went outside and gathered some twigs for the stems.
This is what it said on the tag attacted to the pumpkin:
This is a picture is of some of the yummy treats brought to us, we didn't even have to go trick or treating for these yummy things! Homemade Oreo cookies with orange filling from Chelsey and Cole and the kids, and Pam & Doc brought us the witch's caldrin of hot chocolate, it turns orange as you stir it. What such fun treats.
Kira has been saving formula cans, and look what she did with them. She's so clever, she used all her Stampin' Up items and decorated them and filled them with caramel popcorn. Yummy, since I didn't get mine made like I wanted to last weekend, this was a real treat for me.
This is our neice Chelsey's cute little kids, Quaid and Ainsley. I look forward to these kids coming trick or treating every year. Ainsley has the cutest little voice and is just full of vim and vigor. She's all about pink, so this Princess Minnie was just up her alley.
It wouldn't be Halloween without a good old fashioned sugar cookie. I've been making sugar cookies every year since I've been married. The girl's wouldn't know what do if I didn't have a sugar cookie for them, so I got up this morning and got them done so we could go play later in the day. I don't really decorate them to fancy, just sprinkles, a few with funny faces with what's in the cupboard, chocolate chips, candy corn, M&M's, etc.
These are the softest sugar cookies I have ever tasted, I'll leave the recipe at the end of my post. I hope your Halloween was as fun and enjoyable as ours and your kids are not on to much of a sugar high.
Sugar Cookies
Sugar Cookies
Cream together:
2 Cups sugar
1 Cup shortening
Add, 4 eggs
6 Cup flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon soda
1 Cup sour cream
1 Tbls. vanilla
1 Cup powdered milk
1/4 teaspoon lemon extract
Mix all together and refrigerate for 1 hour or
more. Roll out on floured surface and cut out
into desired shape. Bake at 375 for 8 minutes.